Chapter 9

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A/N: I don't really have much to say in this, but I have to make an authors note because I wanted to know who you guys are wanting Penelope to be with??

There's Kevin and Kingsley of course, but there might be someone new that you will see in this chapter hopefully?

Anyway, on the side is a picture of Kevin and Penelope. Yes, I changed Penelope and also Camden. Be expecting some characters to change a lot. I find new people I like more and, then. Yeah :I

That's all I gotta say for now, I might have more later on that I'll add...otherwise, enjoy! Vote/comment/fan~

 Chapter 9


I think my least favorite thing about coming back from being projected, would be just that. 

Coming back.

It felt like your brain was being sucked out of you head by a vacuum hose. Not to mention how stiff you're body got while transferring back. Everything just stops functioning and some would say it's peaceful. 

Then the fact that it feels like your skull is being split open draws away from the zen moment you could be having. I could only imagine what the person on the receiving in felt like...

When I came to, I fell to the ground, gasping for air. Like I said, everything stops working. Including your lungs. After collecting my breath, I crawled over to where Xavier was lying on the floor. I knew that when ever Maribel or Fannie would use their powers to such an extent, they would just black out for a second then wake up, demanding food. Which of course I had to deliver. But Xavier was different. He was a very powerful shape-shifter and unlike his sister, barely used his powers. 

Well great. Now I feel shitty because I just made him exhausted. I got closer to his body and realized he wasn't breathing. Oh god. 


I knew that using your powers drained your life-force and all, but did this little project actually take all of Xavier's life-force? I'm so screwed if he is not alive!

I reached over and put my finger under his nose, but felt no air rushing from it. 

"Shit." I whispered harshly. I stood up on my knees and shook him. "Xavier! Hey man, get up!" I yelled. He remained silent, his eyes closed and chest not moving. Okay, time for Plan C. I really didn't  want to do it cause if he knew I did, he would beat my ass, but not much of a choice anymore. I balled my hands into a fist together and brought them up in the air.

"Please don't kill me." I whispered, closing my eyes and looking up. I took a deep breath and let it out as my hands crashed down on his chest, right over his heart. Hopefully the power from the hit would jump-start his heart. If not, Fannie was going to shoot me. As soon as my hands made contact, Xavier gasped for air, sitting up-right and then falling back down, coughing. I sighed and smiled at myself. I just saved two lives in one day. Ha, I'm good.

I sat back on my knees, waiting for Xavier to get his shit together. He stopped coughing and then just lay there, staring at the ceiling. Why wasn't he saying or doing anything? Was he dead again? I didn't want to hit him anymore...

"Did you punch me?" I flinched at the deep voice and looked at Xavier with wide eyes as he glared at me, a vein in his jaw twitching.

"N-no-I mean yeah. In a way. L-like you weren't breathing so I just thought..." My voice faded out and I looked at the ground. I swear to god, if it weren't for the fact that he was so weak right now, I would be dead. Then saving Penelope would have all been for nothing.

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