Chapter 13

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A/N: Well guess what? You guys get to meet Kevins dad today :3 And yeah, that's him on the side

Godfrey Goa. So sexy...

But, today marks Penelope end Kevin's long journey to the undey-world. And there you get to meet a lot of fucked up creatures. YAY \(^o^)/

No, enjoy this chapter my lovely sex dumplings~

Edit: I uploaded and edited this in a rush becasue we are leaving to go back home today and I wont have internet on the trip, so I wanted to get this out before we left. Sorry if there are mistakes or the ending seems rushed :/

Chapter 13 (Kevin POV)

There was a specific reason as to why I said I wanted to take the Jeep. Out of all days, you would think my father would let me take the Jeep, but no. I was stuck with the Audi.

Not that I was complaining cause this was a sexy car, but I wasn't one who liked to flaunt around my fathers money. Which is why wen he offered to by me a Mustang, I refused and opted for the Jeep. Just like I refused to take the Audi this morning when he asked to borrow the Jeep. Then when I woke up, the Jeep was gone and so were my keys.

Damn bastard.

I was actually praying he wasn't going to be home until later this evening. You know after Penelope had left. He had a way with the ladies...

"So, what is your father like?" Penelope asked, breaking the silence that had filled the car.

"Um, he- he's nice. And caring, despite what people may say." I didn't normally like talking about my father to people. Cause most of the time, they would act like they knew him better then I, his son, did. Wankers.

"Is he human like you mom?" She asked. I could tell she was nervous about asking these questions by the way her voice came out soft and she was ringing her hands together.

"No, he is actually an Incubus." I informed her and waited for the reaction, but got a different one instead.

"Oh. Well then why don't e go somewhere else? I mean, I don't want to fall under his spell or whatever it is you guys have."

I chuckled at her and shook my head. "No, no. He's probably not going to be home to night. But even if he is, this charm should protect you from him." I dug into my pocket, searching for the bracelet Maribel had given me. I originally asked her to make it so Stephen, my brother, wouldn't do anything. His powers were stronger then mine and my fathers. I did not want to loose the girl I liked to him.

I found the bracelet and held it out for her, keeping my eyes on the road. She took it and I returned my hand to the steering wheel.

"Wow, it's really pretty." She gasped. I glanced in the corner of my eye and saw her putting it on. It wasn't anything fancy. Just on of those rope bracelets that you can tie on. Except the gem on it was what was going to cast the cloak over Penelope, blocking out our powers from reaching her.

We said nothing for a while. Just listening to the sound of the car and the low hum of the music playing. I glanced over at Penelope and saw she was staring out of the window in awe. We lived far out in the country, not surrounded by anything. Our neighbors were probably a couple of miles away and we had a long stretch of land. The house used to be a farm, but my father tore that down and rebuilt the mansion over it.

It wasn't that big of a difference seeing as almost everyone that lived out here did the same. You'd drive by an empty field, and trees then BAM! Big house. And it continued like that a few more houses after mine. Like the boondocks, but classier.

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