Chapter 8 (Part 1)

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A/N: Okay, I lied in the last chapter say shit was about to go down. But these two chapters were just building up to the big moment. So, since a lot of stuff is happening, I've split this chapter into two parts. All the action will be in Part 2 so, be looking for it. This chapter is just for background to be given and what not~

A lot of things will be reviled, questions will be answered and things are probably not going to be the same again for anyone...

Picture is of Penelope


Chapter 8(Penelope's POV)

"Felix! Where is my mouse?" I yelled through the apartment. Why is it every time I go to use my computer,  my mouse is gone. I mean, dude, go out and buy yourself a mouse. Stop taking mine.

"Sorry, I needed to play my game." He laughed, walking into my room and handing the mouse to me. I glared up at him, snatching the mouse from his hands and plugging it into my computer.

"Hey, uhm..Camden and I are going out in a few." Felix said, rubbing the back of his neck as I turned around to look at him.

"Where to?" I asked, looking back at my computer screen. This was actually a good thing. Now I could edit my pictures and email them to my teacher. Goodbye torturous homework, hello relaxation.

"We're going to see that new zombie movie. You know the one with Brad Pitt." I didn't make a comment and continued messing with different effects on Photoshop, trying to find the right one for the picture I took of Camden leaning against a lamp post.

"Maybe...Do you wanna co-"

"No." I deadpanned, causing Felix to suck in his breath and sigh. 

"Alright, well, I'll call when we're on our way home. Don't wait up, kay?"

"Alright, bye and have fun." I replied, still playing around with Photoshop. I had a total of twenty pictures to edit and this was my second to last one. I wasn't doing much to them anyway. Even though we were supposed to, my Professor just better be happy I turned something in. I heard Felix and Camden's voice murmuring as they prepared to leave. I quickly added one last effect and saved the picture on my flash drive and added it into the files on the email to my professor. I heard them call goodbye and close the door and as soon as I heard the lock click, I bolted out of my chair. 

Grabbing my pea coat and I scarf, I made my way to Felix and Camden's room. As I tied the scarf around my neck, I circled around the room.

"If I was a suspicious note, where would I be?" I whispered. I saw a drawer on the end table by their bed open and quickly rushed over to it, throwing it open. There was a magazine, a notebook and a bottle of lotio-oh wait. That was not lotion. I made a disgusted face as I threw the bottle back in the drawer and closed it. 

So gross. I shivered and looked around the room once more. I needed to get that note so I could go to the apartment. Even though Felix and Camden said not to, I had a gut feeling that if I didn't go, something bad was going to happen. And most of my gut feelings were true. That's why I couldn't let this go. Next place to look was the waste basket, and I swear if I found something I did not want to see, I probably would throw up right here and now.

It was all good though. I found the note too.

Grabbing my bag, slinging across my chest and grabbing the keys, I headed out the door. It was ten at night right now, and judging by the directions Map Quest gave me, I would get to the apartment in twenty minutes which gave me enough time to get home before Camden and Felix. 

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