Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 (Penelope)

It was nice to wake up for once not in a panic.

Just slowly opening my eyes and taking  deep breathe, knowing that everything was okay. 

I was laying on my stomach, my  hands under my pillow and facing the wall. I pushed myself up and looked over to see Kevin gone, and a tray in his place.

There was a plate with a fried egg, some bacon and toast. A cup of what I assumed was tea, sat on the nightstand with a note under it. 

I reached over and picked up the cup, taking a sip, and then picked up the note.

Well good morning beautiful c:

I didn't want to wake you because you looked so adorable sleeping. So instead I made you breakfast  in bed~ I hope you enjoy it!

Oh and btw, if I'm not there, I most likely am in the living room with Felix and Camden. Decided to get to know the two men who I will be seeing for the rest of my life, right? Well, eat up and come join us!

Love, Kevin 

I couldn't help the little giggle that escaped my mouth as I crumbled the note to my chest. Why must Kevin be so...prefect? I had never felt this way before at just the thought of a guy. The way my heart seemed to want to leap out of my chest when I thought of his name. My stomach doing twist and turns every time I saw him. If this is what love felt like, then I could truthfully admit that I was head-over-heels in love with Kevin Park.

I picked up a piece of bacon and bit into it, chewing thoughtfully as I looked out the window. It was gray and deary outside, but that was a normal thing. There hasn't been a sunny day in a while. 

I quickly finished up the food before climbing out of bed and deciding that walking out there in just my underwear and a shirt with no bra on was not a good idea.

I mean, yeah. Two of the men in this apartment were gay and the other was my boyfriend, but I somehow didn't feel comfortable walking out like that.

And if you think its stupid that I'm not comfortable walking around like this, Bite me.

I quickly slid a bra on and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and pulled them on. I gave myself a once over in the mirror, fixing some of the pieces of hair sticking up before nodding at my reflection. Opening the door and walking into the living room, I was greeted by Kevin and Felix's voices.

"And she just rudely took my spot and was like, "I don't care who you are, you're an asshole." and I was like "Well, according to my calculations, you're a bitch." Felix snorted, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back into the couch. 

I walked over, bending down and putting my arms around Kevin's neck. "You actually said that?" I asked, Kevin looking up at my presence and smiling, giving me a quick peck.

"Obviously not, but I was thinking it." We all laughed and I pulled back from Kevin and turned to go to the kitchen. I wanted to make something special for dinner tonight, so I needed to see what we had and then go out and get what I needed.

And of course, we had literally nothing in our kitchen.

"What do you guys do, suck down all the food in a twenty-four hour period!?" I yelled from the kitchen, storming back into the living room. No one responded. I sighed and walked over to the front door, sliding on a pair of black toms and grabbing my purse.

"I'm going to head to the store and get some things for dinner tonight." I announced to the three men staring aimlessly at the t.v.. This caught Kevin's attention as he tuned in his seat to look at me. "Want me to come with you?" he asked.

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