Chapter 16

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WARNING. This chapter will contain a sex scene. I don't know whether it'll be intense or short. So this is just a warning. If you don't want to read it, you can skip over it. I won't be making it TOO long, so don't worry about that.

We're getting closer to the end guys! So exciteddd~

Video on the side is what I listened to while I wrote this chapter. Basitlle is amazing! Check 'em out. You wont regret it c; Picture is of Fannie

Also, this is my first time writing a scene like this, so...ya know. It's not that good. >////<

Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 16 (Penelope POV)

"I'm so hungry right now I could seriously eat a horse." I yawned, flopping down on the bed that was in the hotel we had.

Well, technically it wasn't really a hotel. More like a tree. Okay, let me elaborate.

Our 'hotel' was actually built in a tree. Or more like around the tree? Anyway, there was a spiral staircase that wrapped around said tree that then, once it reached the top, bubbled out into a house. It had a kitchen, living area, bathroom and bedroom. Reason why it was considered a hotel was because the entire surrounding area had similar rooms.

It was more comfortable then I thought, so I guess it was okay.

But now my stomach woldn't stop growling.

"As disturbing as that sounds, if I told you what you could eat, you wouldn't like it." Kevin replied. He was busy cleaning and reloading our weapons from the previous fight with the Vedalta.

Those crazy bitches.

After we had killed the first batch, the second one was harder. And that was only because we had a) pissed them off and b) they had extremely food senses. So, when I went to sneak up on one, she knew and nearly took my head off.

It was a tiring battle that I was more than happy to be done with.

"Just tell me." I groaned, propping myself up on my elbows. "I wont be able to sleep at all if I don't eat something now." I informed him and he slammed the gun he was reloading down on the table, making me flinch.

What was up his butt? I just asked a simple question and warned him of how I am when I can't sleep cause I was hungry. No need to get pissy mister.

"You have to drink blood." He snapped.

"Come again?" I deadpanned, sitting up straight and giving him a blank stare. The screaming those snake ladies did must have messed with my hearing.

"We don't get humans down here, so there is no regular food. You are half vampire, so all you can drink is blood."

"Well why the hell did you not bring food with you if you knew this!?" I yelled at him. He sighed and rubbed his eyes before looking at me.

"That wasn't really on my to-do list at the moment." He answered through gritted teeth. I snorted and rolled my eyes.

"Oh, so what? Keeping me alive and fed isn't important?" I seethed at him. He narrowed his eyes and if looks could kill, I'd be a goner.

"Quite frankly, no. I had a feeling keeping you alive period was going to be a much harder task." I gasped and stood up from the bed.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?" I snapped and he rolled his eyes and went back to cleaning and reloading the weapons.

"Fine." I yelled. I quickly undid the laces on my boots and threw them at him. He dodged each boot, never taking his eyes or hands off of the gun he was handling.

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