Chapter 7

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A/N: Shit is about to go down in this chapter and the next couple of chapters~ hehe I'm actually excited to write them! YAY

Well, Picture on side is of Kim Jong Dae who plays Kevin Park c: He's so cute >\\\\<

And yes, I changed my actors because I had watched so many movies and saw all these actors and actresses and I was like :O must change! haha 

Anywhore, I'll shut up now so ENJOY~


Chapter 7

Penelope POV~

I lay my head down on top of one of the many tables scattered around the library. Apparently,  missing a week of school because you had a seizure doesn't excuse you from doing makeup work. I had already been back in school for at least three days and I still had more homework and makeup assignments to do. I sighed and rolled my head over to the side, looking among the few people in the library. 

Normally, you wouldn't see anyone in here, but today was different. Almost everyone was in here. I was lucky to have even gotten an empty table. I sighed and pushed myself up off my book. Kevin hadn't come to school. But why did I care. He was a jerk who liked to piss me off. I snorted and shook my head, crossing my arms across my chest. But maybe I did care a little bit. I mean, I'd be lying to say I didn't. Not having him around seemed to make my heart feel like it was missing a piece. Whoa, isn't that what loving someone felt like? Okay no. Penelope no. You do not love Kevin Park. I don't even know the guy! Just his name and the fact that he's an arrogant ass-fuck.I just wanted to know if he was alright.

I mean, you can't miss like, almost a month of school and not expect anyone to notice or say anything. But now that I think about it, no one was noticing. Yeah, our professor made a comment the first couple of days, but now its almost like he doesn't even exist! Plus not to mention that weird blond chick I met in here has disappeared too. Coincidence? I think not. I closed my books and started packing up my things. It was almost two in the afternoon and I wanted to hurry back to apartment to see if Camden or Felix could help me with my photography assignment. I would ask Kingsley, but I've been avoiding him ever since the little three worded confession he made back at the hospital. I didn't mean to avoid him, it was just weird now. I hadn't returned the words and I came to realize that I couldn't. I didn't love Kingsley anymore. Why you may ask? 

The hell if I know. I was trying to find out myself.

I shifted my books in my arms as I exited the library, entering the empty hallway. I was about to continue walking when I remembered I had forgotten to put my jacket on. It was warming up and nearing spring now, but it was still as cold as hell out there. Was hell even cold? I mean, yeah, hells supposed to be hot and all but that's just a stereotype. What if it was actually super freezing and it snowed? Plot twist.

I placed my books on one of the benches outside the library, fishing out my red pea coat and putting it on. I went to grab my books when I saw a flash of blond. I looked up and saw the girl from before in the library walking past me and on down the hallway. My eyes widened as I grabbed my books.

"Hey! Wait!" I called after her. She didn't stop though. Not any falter in her step, just continuing to move gracefully down the hallway as if I hadn't even said anything. Well, not today bitch. I was so not in the mood to be ignored right now. 

"HEY!" I now yelled, racing after her. And I'll tell you what, it was not easy. Especially with these heavy ass books and a book bag. She disappeared as she turned the corner. Shit! Not today! I quickened my pace and skidded around the corner, only to see her no where.

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