Chapter 10

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Audri's P.O.V

I was staying the night at my parents house with my cousins and my brother and them. My sister didn't make it down here yet so I guess she coming this morning. I was waking up in my old room with my cousin Chelsea next to me. I love that girl. She one year older than me but we were extremely close. She is like my sister. I love her so much. She was knocked out and so was her brother Chase. He 16 and cute. If he wasn't my cousin?!? We was up all night cause of my graduation party. My family and friends were there and I was happy. ,

I got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. I did my morning routine and went back to the bedroom. These niggas was still sleep. I swear they was drunk last night. I walked downstairs and saw my dad in the kitchen. He was cooking something but I smelled bacon. He looked back at me and smiled.

"Good morning pumpkin." He said as he started back cooking.

"Good morning daddy." I said as I sat down behind the countertop.

"So... You enjoyed yourself yesterday?" He asked. I just smiled.

"Yeah. I finally made it, ya know?" I said I just felt so happy reliving the moment yesterday.

"Yeah. I felt the same way when I graduated." He said.

"Have you talked to Lisa?" I asked.

"Yeah. This morning. She said call her." He said as he emptied the skillet. I nodded and went upstairs. I went to my room and Chelsea was sat up in the bed on her laptop.

"Good morning." I said as I went and sat on my bed. I grabbed my phone and saw that Lisa called me 5 minutes ago.

"Good morning. I need to take a bubble bath. I'm sore as hell." She said as she got her clothes and went to take a shower. I dialed Lisa's number and waited for her answer.

"Hey bout time you call me back. What you doing?" She said.

"Hey, Nothing really. Waiting on you to get here." I said.

"I know. Pick me up at the airport?" She said.

"Alright. In on the way." I said as I hung up and got ready.

****20 Minutes Later****

Chelsea,Chase,and I was on the way to pick up Lisa and Xzavier. We was bobbing our heads to Tap Out by Birdman. That was the shit. We was riding in my mom's Nissan Rogue so we'll have room for Xzavier and Lisa plus their things. We got to the airport and waited in the front so she'll see us. We waited on Lisa and finally she came. I jumped out the car and jumped on her.

"I missed youuuuuuu!!" I said as I hugged her tightly.

"I missed you too bookie!" She said. We broke the hug. She was hugging Chels and Chase. I bent down and picked up Xzavier. He hugged me so tight.

"You missed ti ti?" I asked pinching his cheeks. He smiled super hard looking just like his dad.

"Yeah. You missed me because I got lot of girlfriends. They say I'm cute." He said. He reminded me of his dad so much. His dad Demarcus lives in California. He had to fly there and check on his mom and stuff. Him and Lisa was dating since 7th grade. His mom got cancer so she been raising X by herself. They not married yet but I like him. He treats her right and that's all that matters. We headed back home and unpacked their suitcases. Chelsea and Chase was staying her for the weekend.

"Y'all, I feel like going to the club." Lisa said as she sat on my bed. She was staying next door to me in the guest room. I wanted to stay at my parent's this weekend.

"Sure. Where we headed?'' I said.

"Oh, I heard bout Club Valt getting wild tonight." Chelsea said.

"We'll go there then." I said. We got ready and headed out.

When we got to the club it was packed. Jordan called and said he was coming through so... Yeah. We got inside and people was hype as fuck. I saw Jordan at the bar with Caleb. I walked up and hugged Jordan. He smiled and kissed me.

"It feel like I haven't seen you in forever." I said bitting on my lip cause he was looking sexy! Lisa nudged me and I almost forgot." Oh, this is my sister Lisa. Lisa, Jordan. Jordan, Lisa.'' I said introducing them to each other.

"Hey." Lisa said shaking J hand.

"What's up." He said and looked back at me. I smiled and excused myself to he dance floor. Lisa followed so did Chelsea. We was dancing to some song. It was turnt though. Jordan was dancing behind me. I felt myself having to pee.

"I'll be back. I gotta go to the bathroom." I said as he nodded his head and I walked to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom, nobody was there. I peed and washed my hands. Some girls came in laughing and shit.

"Oh. This the bitch that stole my man." I heard someone say. I immediately thought they was talking bout me. I turned around and saw Layna and 3 other girls.

"Excuse me?" I said as I dried my hands with a paper towel.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from my man? You clearly don't listen." She said as she pushed me. I caught my balance and punched that bitch in her mouth hard as I could. She was bleeding and looked at me.

"You should've never done that." She said as she kicked me in my stomach. That shit hurt. And then she had on heels. I felt punches in every direction. They was jumping me. The other girl pulled my hair and was pinching me in the face.

"Ima tell you one more damn time! STAY AWAY FEOM MY MAN!! YOU STUPID HOE."Layna said as she punched me hard as fuck in my face. They all left and I was laying on the bathroom floor helpless. The nerve of this low life bitch to jump me. I cried and could not move. I just blacked out..........





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