The Discovery (Tomoe's POV)

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Finally free time from annoying Nanami and that stupid snake.
I get on the roof of the shrine and start drinking sake.
"Ugh,someone...please help...",says a weak female voice.

I jump from the roof and discover a human girl lying on the stairs of the shrine. She's all covered in blood,cuts and bruises,even bite marks.

Fox Yokai (POV)

(Y/n) was relieved that someone had heard her groans. She could barely move, but she wanted to see the person who found her, her savior. She looked up and saw a fox yokai.


(Y/n) saw a man with white hair,white fox ears,and a tail. (Y/n was so scared she wanted to scream. But she was so weak she couldn't move her lips.

"Yokai do not exist, it's just my imagination!"(y/n) repeated herself in her mind. Her fear turned into tears. The tears started coming out of (y/n) (e/c) eyes. Then everything went black.

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