Into the city

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(Y/n) POV

So, we all finished the chores that needed to be done at the shrine and then Nanami and I headed towards the city.

"'s been a while since I have come here, Tokyo is beautiful, isn't it?" Said Nanami looking at me.

"Yes, it is." I replied.

So we went into a lot of stores and bought a lot of things, we even bought candy. We were having a great time.

Moving on

"Hey Kurama." Said Nanami.

"Y-you know Kurama?!" I asked.
The most popular idol in japan was heading towards our way.

"Hello Nanami, and hello Nanami's friend."He said looking at me. I was speach-less.

"Her name is (y/n), Kurama." Said Nanami lying her arm on my shoulder.

"(Y/n)  then, nice meeting you, you have a wonderful name."Said Kurama.

I blushed and I could feel my head boiling.

"Hey Kurama, would you like to go to the shrine for a while? It would be nice for you to hang out with us for a while." Said Nanami.

"Sure, I don't mind, I don't have anything to do so I guess it's okay." Said Kurama giving us a wink and a warm smile.

We all headed towards the shrine,  where the two familiars and the shrine spirits were waiting for us.

"What is he doing here?!" Asked Tomoe looking at Kurama with anger in his eyes.

"Those two don't hang out with each other? I whispered in Nanami's ear.

"Uh, let's just say that Tomoe doesn't interact with many people." Said Nanami.


So (y/n) and Nanami took a quick bath and went outside the shrine. (Y/n), Nanami, and the shrine spirits were drinking hot chocolate, while Tomoe, Mizuki, and Kurama drank sake that Mizuki had prepared.

"I've always wanted Tomoe to talk to other human people besides myself. Why don't you try talking with him, you might develop friendship with that fox." Said Nanami looking at me with her sparkly big brown eyes.

"I'll see what I can do." I said looking at Tomoe who was arguing with the snake and Kurama. Then I had realized something. If Kurama is an idol, and...he knows these guys...he's not a y-yokai...right?!

"U-umm, Nanami, is Kurama a yokai?! I asked her in chibi mode.

"U-uh...yes, he's a tengu, a yokai." Replied Nanami with surprise in chibi mode as well.

I had also realized that I will never have a normal life anymore, right?

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