Problems keep coming

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(Y/n) woke up and went outside the shrine.

Tomoe was watering the plants.

"Tomoe....I really didn't want to fall for that fox yokai...but...I just...might hurt Nanami's feelings...or....I probably already did..."thought (Y/n).

"'s almost time for school...are you coming...?"asked (Y/n) looking at the fox.

"Yes, I will. I just need to finish the morning chores and prepare the lunch boxes."replied Tomoe, who seemed to be a little dazed.

"Ill go wake up Nanami for you."said (Y/n).
(Y/n) went inside the shrine and headed to Nanami's room. As expected...she was still sleeping...or was she...?

"'s time for school...we should hurry up and get ready...Nanami....?"said (Y/n).

Nanami quietly got up with her hair covering her face, and headed towards her dresser. She seemed as if she had wiped 'tears' out of
her eyes.

"Oh Nanami mad at me? she gonna kick me out of the shrine?!...will I lose her trust and friendship?!...Way to go (Y/n)!!! You made innocent Nanami cry!!!!"thought (Y/n).

(Y/n)'s thoughts made her eyes watery...

"....(Y/n)...."said Nanami.

"Y-yes...?...Nanami...?"asked (Y/n).

Nanami slowly turned around, her hair still covering her face.
She removed the hair out of her face...

"Well...? Are you dressing up too or what?" Asked Nanami with her brightest smile.

"I'm confused..."thought (Y/n).

"Yup...sorry...hehe...Ill change too right away...Nanami..." responded (Y/n) with a smile as well.

Moving on

"Wow! Our lunchboxes are big! I wonder if I'll be able to finish it..."said (Y/n).

"You eat a I don't think it'll be hard for you to finish it."said Tomoe.

"Hey! That was harsh! You rude fox...!"said (Y/n) hugging the lunchbox.
Nanami didn't say much on the way to school...or during classes.


(Y/n), Nanami, and Tomoe went on the school's roof to have their lunch and "relax"...

"Mmm...the lunch you prepared is delicious..."said Nanami out of nowhere with a big smile.

Tomoe and (Y/n) stared at Nanami with surprised eyes, since Nanami hadn't talked much all day.

"'s so...delicious...your lunch is the...the best...Tomoe....*sniff*'s the best lunch I've ever had...." said Nanami who began to cry.

Tomoe just stared at Nanami with a sad look on his face.

"I-im going to the restroom...Ill be back in a minute..." said (Y/n).

(Y/n) began to run.

"I'm such a nuisance!!! I just started ruining Nanami's life!!! I should just dissapear!!! I always ruin everyone's life!!! My family...!!! who was always kind to me!!! Why am I a horrible person!!! No matter how good I try to be...I always ruin everything!!! I should die!!!!!!"yelled (Y/n).
She was already on an abandoned classroom.

(Y/n) was crying so hard her stomach hurt.

"*sniff...* Right...I should....I should leave the shrine...I should've done that a long time ago..."said (Y/n) to herself.


"Stop crying...Nanami."said Tomoe.

"Your such a jerk Tomoe..."said Nanami.

Tomoe wanted to hug Nanami, but she resisted.

"Stop it! Your such a liar! You said you had feelings for me...!"said Nanami.

"Why....are you playing with (Y/n) and me?! Your a jerk! A faker!"yelled Nanami.

"Nanami..."said Tomoe.

Nanami took a deep breath and tried to calm down.


(Y/n) finally arrived at the shrine. She ran to her room and secretly packed up her things.

"Well...this is it...I'm leaving..."said (Y/n).

She got her bag and got out of the shrine.

Mizuki was chatting on a tree with the shrine spirits, but spotted (Y/n).

"What's (Y/n) doing with a huge bag like that?" Asked Mizuki to the shrine spirits.

"Oh no! Is (Y/n)-sama planning on leaving?!"synchronized the shrine spirits.

"Let's go after her!" Said Mizuki getting down the tree.

"Hey (Y/n)! What are you doing?! Where are you going?!"yelled Mizuki trying to catch up to (Y/n).

(Y/n)'s eyes widened and started running.

"I'm sorry!!!" Yelled (Y/n).


"Are you okay now...? Nanami...?"asked Tomoe.

"Yeah..." said Nanami.

"W-where did (Y/n) go...?"asked Nanami.

"She probably left early..."said Tomoe looking away.

Time skip

"Mizuki! Onikiri, Kotetsu! (Y/n)!We're here!" Yelled Nanami.

"Nanami-chan!!! (Y/n) has ran away!!!" Came Mizuki with a worried face.
"I tried to catch up to her! B-but...she..."Poor Mizuki couldn't keep talking and tears ran down his cheeks.

"We have to look for her!"yelled Nanami looking at Tomoe.

Tomoe's eyes widened.
He stood silent for a couple of seconds.

"Its not my problem...she was a nuisance anyway...If she wanted to go...then that's that...let her be..."said Tomoe looking away.

"How can you say that!!!" Tomoe!!! (Y/n) needs us....she....she needs you...."yelled Nanami with tears in her brown eyes.

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