Problems piling up

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Nanami and (Y/n) we're very tired of school. It was finally Saturday. It was already 1:00 p.m but the girls we're still in bed.

Tomoe was weeding the garden, but noticed that the two girls we're still sleeping.

Tomoe's POV

"I can't believe these lazy women.
They should be up already." I thought.
I went inside the shrine and went inside (Y/n)'s room first.
"As I thought...*sigh*...she's still asleep..."said Tomoe looking at (Y/n) still in bed.

"'m single...hehe..." said (Y/n) still asleep.

"W-what the hell is this weird girl dreaming of?!" I asked myself.

I just stared at sleeping (Y/n).........
She's so.....
I mean......
Something about her captivates me  so much......
"W-what am I thinking of?!" I thought.

I went closer to (Y/n)........................
I took a big breath...........................
"WAKE UP YOU LAZY HUMAN, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO HELP ME DO SOME CHORES REMEMBER!!!" I yelled grabbing the blankets away from (Y/n) who was still laying on her futon.

"Ugh...Tomoe...give me a break! I'm so tired from all the work I do here and at school......can you give me five more minutes...?"said (Y/n).

"...Yeah...I'll give you those five give you enough time to change into proper clothes and help me with the chores!!!" I yelled.

I got out of (Y/n)'s room before she said anything else and went to wake up Nanami, which was hard as well.

"'s hard to be with humans, especially female humans." I said to myself.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Geez... Tomoe should chill out for a bit..."I said while dressing up.

"Ugh...I'm so tired..." said Nanami who was coming in my room.

"Good morning...I mean...good evening...(Y/n)..."Said Nanami who was equally as sleepy as me.

"Oh no...did Tomoe wake you up roughly too...?"I asked.

"Ugh...yup..."replied Nanami.

Moving on (no one's POV)

So the two girls had their breakfast and started doing chores around the shrine.

"(Y/n)! Come finish mopping the floor for me, I need to go water the plants, oh and careful, the floor is a little wet!"yelled Tomoe across the hall.

"*sigh*...coming!"yelled (Y/n).

(Y/n) was running through the hall and forgot that the floor was wet....................
She took a big step and slipped!

"Ahh!!!" Screamed (Y/n).

Tomoe was in the way, and (Y/n) bumped into the fox.
They both had a big fall.

"Oww..." moaned (Y/n).

"What the heck?!" Yelled Tomoe.
"Didn't I warn you that the floor was a bit wet?!"asked Tomoe.

" did?"asked (Y/n) in chibi mode.

Flashback to when Tomoe warned  (Y/n) about the wet floor

"(Y/n)! Come finish mopping the floor for me, I need to go water the plants, oh and careful, THE FLOOR IS A LITTLE WET!" Yelled Tomoe across the hall.

"Ooooh...hehe...sorry..."said (Y/n).

Tomoe got up and stared at (Y/n) with his purple eyes.

"Your so clumsy....a good for nothing..."said Tomoe.

"Hey! I said I was sorry! And don't say harsh stuff like that about me!"yelled (Y/n).

"You have no idea how much there must be done in this shrine...your so lazy, to me your just a came to this shrine and things got even more complicated! I wish you never appeared! You and that other lazy human Nanami!"yelled Tomoe.
Tears came out of (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes.

"Your cold only think about yourself...right?!"(Y/n) yelled.

"Have you forgotten who saved your insignificant life? If it weren't for me, you'd be dead. I should have left you there...everything would be calmer now..."said Tomoe in a very cold tone.
(Y/n) wiped the tears off her face.

"I agree...I would've rather die than meet someone with no feelings like you!"yelled (Y/n).
The fox didn't know what to say.

"Your right...I...I am a nuisance...father agrees with that know..."continued (Y/n).

Tomoe just stared at (Y/n) with shock in his eyes.

"How did this little argument turn into a big fight...?" Tomoe thought to himself.

"He's got anger issues..."thought (Y/n).

(Y/n) got up and began to mop the floor, with tears still in her eyes.
But suddenly, she felt the arms of someone going around her waist.

"You have suffered so much...haven't you...? I apologize rudeness...(Y/n)... I was in a bad mood...that is all..."said Tomoe.

"T-Tomoe...I..."(Y/n) was blushing...she could feel her blood getting warmer.

Nanami was looking and listening to everything.

" stupid fox..."thought Nanami.
Nanami ran outside the shrine and tears ran down her cheeks.

Nanami's POV

"Tomoe...after he had showed me that he has feelings for me...he's a big liar! He just plays around with women...and their feelings too..."I told myself.
I don't want to see that fox right now...but...(Y/n) is she involved in it a big miss understanding for her...or...she has something going on with Tomoe? B-but...she would something like that...

"You have feelings for Tomoe, right...Nanami?"


"Hehe, I bet he has feelings for you too."

"Your so sweet...(Y/n)..."


"No...(Y/n) would never do something like that...she wouldn't fool around with Tomoe like that...right?"I asked myself.

Beautiful Fox(Tomoe & reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora