Part 3

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  "Tails, why'd you want to rush off like that? I thought you said Silver was nice."

Tails didn't answer, only dragged Sonic deeper into Shadow's lands; he moved at a frantic pace as if he's just seen a monster, forcing his blue friend to question his sanity.

"Hello, Tails, did you hear me?"

Still no response from the twin tailed kitsune, fear starting to set within the cobalts wild mind.

"Tails!" Sonic cried, stopping short of falling on the burning metal sheets. He grabbed his friend's hand forcing him to turn around and face him, determination for an answer clouding his thoughts.

"He is..."
"THen why'd we leave like that?"
"Sometimes he's too nice."

Sonic looked at him, confusion clouding his judgement and driving his over-powered will.

"Just stay away from him okay, Sonic?"

Sonic sighed, unwillingly agreeing to the soiled promise. Unknown to Tails.  

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