Part 19

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Sonic stared at the image of the plane in the children's book, a befuddled look on his face, Silver hovered over his shoulder, the same expression painted across his muzzle as well.

"I fail to see how this is going to help you build this contraption."

"I agree with him, Tails..this is just a picture, there's no information on the engine, the wings, not even the size! How are we suppose to work off of this?"

Tails shrugged, not really having a direct answer that they would be comfortable hearing. Sonic sighed an looked at the pile of twisted metal.

"Well...I suppose this plane will have to be a glider instead."

"A what?"

Sliver raised a brow at the mobbian, whom was pulling a large leaf off a tree and folding it into an odd shape that sorta resembled the plane in the picture but it was slightly different.

"A glider i like a plane, but without an uses the wind to go places, only problem with it is you have to be up high to start moving."

The two forest dwellers thought for a moment before nodding in agreement at the new idea. They began construction on the project immediately, moving metal into place, fashioning wheels, and attaching safety harnesses only because Shadow and Tikal would never let them leave the their houses again if they got hurt.

"Hmm...are you sure this thing with fly, Sonic? The picture Tails showed seemed more reliable than this contraption..."

"It'll fly, I've been on one before, they're a lot of fun!" he exclaimed as he moved to the side of it, motioning Tails to lay on it's plat form. "you coming?"

"No, I'll sit this one out."

"Alright, then in that case will you push us off?"

Sonic laid by Tails on his stomach, looking up at Silver questioningly before receiving a reluctant sigh.

"Alright, but I had nothing to do with this if you two get hurt."

"Funny, usually the oldest takes responsibility when pushing two kids off a cliff." Tails smirked

Silver growled, and pushed the glider off and covering his eyes when he saw it plummet towards the ground. Tails was screaming as his stomach remained on the cliff, but Sonic remained calm and pulled the leaver. immediately they rose high in the sky, soaring high as the birds way above the trees. They laughed and smiled as they passed over Shadow and Tikal whom were talking just outside Shadow and Sonic's home, probably wondering where the two friends could have wondered off too. They instantly look up when the shadow of the glider passed over them a terrified wave washes over them when they wave down to them.

"Hey, Sonic?"


"How do we land?"


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