Part 8

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Sonic struggles to command his hands to push the naga away, instead they ran his fingers through Shadow's white tuff of fur; his thoughts began racing. Why was he doing this? Why can't he control his actions. Shadow held him gently, carefully pressing his nose to his head; the intoxicating scent of strawberries and lilac focused around them.

Take your hands off of me!
"Don't let me go, Shadow"

"I won't."

w-what? No! No that's not what I wanted to say!

The lilac drifts around Sonic, wrapping him in a heavenly embrace making him drunk on it's effects. He wrapps his arms around Shadow's neck, pulling him closer. Moving onto the bed, Shadow lays there with him, wrapping his coils around his feminine waist and running his fingers down his back, receiving a quiet purr from the blue male.

W-What's wrong with me?! Why am I acting this way?
"Shadow" Sonic moans looking up at Shadow with a lustful look in his eyes, a pink ring around his emerald coloring.

Shadow blushes, gently placing his hand on Sonic's pale cheek; his soft lips drawing him nearer. Just before their lips connect Sonic places a single finger on Shadow's lips, tracing them delicately.

Why am I doing this?!
"Shadow, what do you feel for me?"

Shadow's face turned bright red, looking away quickly in attempts of avoiding the question; this only struck Sonic's interest. he....blushing?

"I..." Shadow sighs, wrapping the frail boy in a warm embrace, running his fingers through his quills and bringing his lips to his ears. "Love you"

Sonic's face lit up, a radiant pink painted his cheeks and ears. The strawberry scent taking hold of Shadow now.

"Sonic, I love you. Ever since that first day we met, I've loved you! I want to protect you and keep you warm from the cold world outside, I never wanted to hurt you or see you cry. I want to give you everything you want and need. Please Sonic, tell me you love me too."

He...he's would never work, he's a monster, I'm a mobbian. We're both males!

A desperate look began to bloom in Shadow's eyes, he masks it by gently pressing his forehead against Sonic's.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, and for yelling, but when I found out you'd gone to see Silver I got jealous. The thought that you would leave broke my heart. I want be there for you the way you expect one of your own kind to be. Please, I've never felt this way about anyone, please except my feelings for you."

"....Shadow, I...  

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