A New Follower

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I thought this picture was funny, so I put it on here. This one is by Luna the Outcast on DeviantArt.

Aphmau's POV

"We were... umm... going to walk into your room." Laurance said. Laurance kicked Garroth to signal for him to leave.

"Sooo... walking into my room entails you guys listening to what I'm doing?!" I said. Garroth ran.

"No... that's just how I normally walk into a room. Anyways, have you checked on the village today?" he said trying to change the subject. I could tell he was, but doing that would save me a whole lot of explaining.

"Yes, and I'll do night guard duty tonight." It was a normal thing for me to say that. I would occasionally do it to make it easier on me when I travel worlds. The reason for me doing it now was that Garroth kept following me into the worlds. I had to be extra careful while going into my next world, because I know what happens when you aren't in your home world and you die. It isn't good.

~~La Time Skip (Brought to you by ThunderMuffin's Chicken Raves)~~

I looked around to see no people around. I opened the portal, but I heard a squeaking sound right after I opened it. I ran around the wall really quickly, and saw nobody. I ran back to the portal, and saw a shadowy figure jump in. I ran in and jumped right after them. I got out of the portal and slipped my less sneaky, more armed suit. I ran to find Sky, Nick, and the others, but instead, I found a thing walking around in a noisy fashion. I pointed my gun at them, and realized that I knew them. They had light brown hair, light blue eyes, and were staring at me in fear. I sighed in relief and said, "I thought you were a walker!"

Laurance's POV

I heard Garroth mumbling to himself something about Lady Aphmau, and I wanted to know what was going on, so I decided to follow Lady Aphmau while she was doing the night shift. I saw her open this portal thing. I stepped back one and the step creaked. I ran to find another staircase or ladder to the top to investigate more. I got to the top and jumped into the portal. When I was in wherever I was, I ran the hallways and saw some pretty intimidating people. They had fancy bows and arrows (guns) that I didn't have a clue how to use. I ran because I didn't think I had a chance against them. When I was running in a very unstealthy manner, I came to an immediate stop when I felt a circular thing go up against my head. I was one of those bows that the people here have. The person who was holding this one stood there for five seconds before putting it down and saying, "I thought you were a walker!" There was this girls standing there with a hood on so I couldn't see her hair, but she had amber eyes and sounded familiar. I said, "Umm... Who are you?"

Aphmau's POV

Of course he didn't recognize me. "Oh, heh, sorry. Its me." I pull down my hood, revealing my black hair. "I kinda just figured it would be easier for you to recognize me than... Oh, no! Sky and Nick and... and.. Ghetto and Jin are probably all wondering where I am! Laurance, you need to stay safe and be quiet until I come back to get you... Ok? And of you see anything that isn't with me, you need to shout me name and I'll come as soon as possible. There's this doctor that looks like a narwhal and he is extremely dangerous. If he is around, you need to run away. There are also walkers that will kill you if you get bit, so be careful with that too. One more thing. Try not to make any of my friends mad. They haven't trusted anyone easily ever since Ross. Got to go! Bye!"

I ran off as fast as I could to go meet up with my friends on the kitchen. Sky said, "Jess, why are you in such a hurry?" He whispered, "Did Blondie follow you again?" Sky travels dimensions just like me, so he remembers everything from t he other dimensions. He just stops time in wait for me because he knows I have more to do then worry about Sky's worlds. I shook my head and said, "No, I've got a new stalker." He nodded his head slightly and said, "We've got an intruder. Arm yourselves, but not too much because this intruder seems to have no guns. He shouldn't be a problem to investigate. Now, lets go!" He gave me a quick nod and I led them to Laurance, staying slightly ahead as if to warn him my friends were coming with me.

That was when I heard a girly scream coming from down the hallway. I quickly ran the and said, "What's the issue?" Laurance had clearly seen a walker banging against the window. I called my friends into the room and we contemplated on what to do very quickly. We knew it would break though eventually, so we had Nick run outside and shoot it. I said, "You ok, dude? You have no weapons. How did you get in here? How long have you been alone?" He was abou to say something when I stopped him and said, "He won't talk with so many people here. Sky can stay to guard. Everyone else, leave." They did as I said, but with a little bit of hesitance. I looked at Laurance and said, "Me and Sky will invent lies about how you got here and you will sit here and agree with us, because your life depends on it. If we weren't here to help you and say what they want to hear, you would be doomed to a night of walkers and never coming back."

A/N- I luv you all for reading this! I usually post whenever I can, so it is pretty unpredictable. I try to post once a week at a minimum, but so far, I seem to be on a good start with this. I hope to keep it this way, but I doubt it. If you want to be recognized, go comment, vote, follow me, or add this to your library to let me know that you exist! If you read this and you like it, I will be having new friends get their titles of Meif'wa, Mew, Cat, Kitty, or Kitten. Or maybe something new? On another note, I love you guys, but I may start to get things out slower because I had a precreated story on my phone that I would write in my recreational time, and now I am on my own for writing this whenever I have time on Wattpad. If I release things slower, than that is why. I still luv you guys! Have a nice day! I give anyone and everyone the permission to suggest ideas and criticize my work in a helpful, supportive, kind way . Buh bye my kitties! ^_^

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