The Clock Strikes 12

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Jan. 1; Exactly 12 am

I couldn't finish my story, journal, I just had to write a new chapter because it is the start of a new year.


I guess my first action this year is talking about him...Which is kind of weird. Awkward. Or just normal. But anyways, there he was.

In my mind's eye, his hand seemed to tremble slightly. But I would never really know, because in a single silent sigh, I took it. My heart leaped as I stood. My smile seemed to fill with relief with the thought that maybe he really did like me.

For a few moments, we just swayed slightly on the dance floor like two awkward penguins, who were just jumping from one foot and then onto the other.

I cleared my throat, "Um, how's the dance going for you?"

His mouth became a thin line as he nodded slightly, "It's been alright."

"Did you get to dance a lot?"

He nodded again. Were guys always like this? Answering as little as possible? It was frustrating work trying to make a conversation with them. But, I guess I had to understand them. It probably was hard enough to get up the guts to ask a girl to dance.

After a pause he spoke, "How about you?"

"What about me?"

"Uh, did you get to dance a lot?"

"Not really." I chuckled awkwardly. Ugh, Journal, I hope I didn't look awkward. Because honestly, I only had a few dances. I danced with two of my classmates, one from eighth grade, and the other one was a nerd who had asked me before the dance to dance with him so he could-later-switch to dance with his crush. So that, in total, is four dances. Not counting Trent.

"Why not?"

"I guess I'm not beautiful enough." I laughed at my joke. But he didn't laugh.

"But I'm dancing with you." His face looked so serious, that I almost could have believed he was actually serious. Almost.

I raised my eyebrows.

"What does that mean?" I said with a funny smile. Was he trying to poke a joke?

There was a pause in this conversation. Journal, I don't know, but it seemed as if Trent had suddenly become conscious. His head turned away, and he looked past me, as if searching for something else to look at than my eyes.

But then, he spoke. " means, that I think you're beautiful."

I made sure only a small smile was on my face so as to hide my feelings of erupting bubbles of happiness inside of me.

"Well, thanks." I simply said. What else do you tell a guy who seriously says to you that you're beautiful?

"You're welcome." He smiled warmly as the song fades away.

Oh, if I could fade away after what he just said, then I could smile and blush as much as I wanted. But I couldn't because the announcer cleared his throat in the microphone, so I couldn't pull away from him. Not just yet.

Then, the announcer's mic rang out. "Ladies and gents, this is the last song. The last dance." And soon, even the announcer (who was actually single) asked a woman (a teacher, who was also single) to dance.

There were some "eeee...." and "awww...." as the woman accepted his hand to dance.

Well, this was the moment. I could finally let go. He probably already felt too awkward to talk with me anymore. I mean, we already danced with each other. For me, it was enough.

And then, I turned to Trent and let go of his hands. "Thanks for the dance." I called to him as I turned away. He probably wanted to go ask a different girl for his last "special" dance. I didn't want to take up that time of his because...


I stopped and turned, "Yes?"

His hand outstretched again to me, and I thought I would have laughed at his supposed joke if he didn't say his next words:

"Would it be okay if you could be my last dance?"

I smiled (smaller than usual, so as not to show that I was overjoyed) as I took his hand again. I'm serious, Journal, my knees were knocking under my fancy dress. I would have fallen if I hadn't taken Trent's hand.

Because my wish had just come true...again.

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