A New Year

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Jan. 2 A new year. A new start. A restart.

The morning rays graze my face until I blink. I wake up, stretching and realizing my plans. I smile.

I had one whole day to think this through. And this was the better option.

As soon as I stepped outside, Ria was there. She was leaning on her controls, as she smiled warmly at me. But in her eyes, you could see gray, like the grayest clouds above us ready to let down the rain. "You want to go back?"

"Is that a question or a statement?" I say as I climb into the sidecar, shouldering my backpack (that only carried this journal) and trying to look away. I felt cheated, since I wasted a cycle to just go back. But, mostly, I felt guilty. Guilty that I didn't know better.

She paused before touching the key in the ignition and looked at me, "Will you think that going back in time again will help you?"

I answered without hesitation. I answered firmly. But my thoughts and feelings rocked me like I was on the edge of a cliff, shaky. "Yes."

She ignited the engine, "I will warn you though-"

"I know." I blurted as the winds around me started to whirl and unknown rain and rain clouds swirled. "Things will be different."

3TS: The Chances of Starting AgainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora