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Tonight, the stars are bright. Which one do you want to wish on? Choose wisely...

I need to talk to Arlene.

She was standing next to a group of boys who were in charge of the lights and fireworks outside.

"Arlene," I whisper,  just as the boys walk away to get some snacks at the food table.

She turns to me as she is typing away at her cellphone, probably texting every single person at the special effects system (they were probably backstage) how to do their job right.

It's been nagging at me for the past five minutes, Journal. But its a question I have to ask.

"Do you still like Trent?" I asked cautiously.

She stops typing and looks up at me. Her eyes move slightly, as if she was trying to search for something.

I look down and clear my throat, "I mean, you know...I'm his date today, and you're with another guy and I don't want you to feel jealous or-"

She laughs, "Jealous? Me?"

I just stare at her, so she explains on.

"Krissa, I know you. When we were at Trent's house, when you two were talking together in the library, when you two were together at the benches in school-"

How did she know about me and Trent at the benches? She was sick at the time...

I opened my mouth to say something, to explain everything, but she just raised up a hand and continued.

She smiles, but its a tired smile. A sad smile? "I knew..." She looked away for a moment, as if embarrassed, but then looked back at me, "Well, I knew from...from the way you laugh and smile with Trent..."

I felt my mouth drop open. I felt my voice had stopped working. I felt my mind go blank.


The thought triggered my mind to work again.

"You knew? And you didn't get mad at me? You didn't feel jealous?" My mouth blurted out until I was able to stop and bite my tongue.

She looked at the table and scratched at an imaginary stain. "I...did. I felt first. I cried at sick...had to stay home."

I blinked away tears forming at the edges of my eyes. I couldn't help it, Journal. I knew how she felt. Being the third wheel doesn't feel fun. At ALL.

"I..." I started, quickly wiping away a tear falling down my cheek. "I'm sorry, Arlene." I looked away, but soon felt her hand at my back.

"It's okay. I felt hurt at first that you didn't mention that you liked him. It would have been easier...but now, I'm okay with it. Besides, I'm having second thoughts about Trent." She said as her voice perked up.

I blinked, then glanced up at her with a raise of an eyebrow. "You do? Then...who-"


I turned to see Leon coming up to us from another table. In that moment, I could see his funny smile, smart posture, and silver suit. In those seconds, when he asked Arlene to dance...when she smiled up at him...when she blushed and nodded...I could see the way Arlene looked at him.

I could see that Leon was totally her type, Journal. And I was happy for her.

And then I realized something. If I had just faced my problems, staying in the first cycle, then everything could have turned out okay! 

When I went to the second cycle, Arlene never met Leon. In the third cycle, Arlene never really had any "cute" moments with Leon. If I had just stayed in the first cycle, she would have found someone else! And now that I was back, she does have someone else. 

Someone that is totally her type. Smart. Funny. And sweet.

As Arlene put her hand in his, Leon gently took it and smiled at her. 

"Now, let's hope you don't get lost in all the dresses and suits. You might be too short for me to see later at the dance floor-Ow!" He said, laughing as Arlene hit his shoulder. 

They locked eyes, blinked, and then laughed.

Yes, I could totally see how well they fit each other. (Bagay talaga sila!)

Before she left with him, she leaned over and whispered to me, "I learned to find the right star to wish on. I learned that the star I was always wishing on before...wasn't meant for me. That star was meant for you."

For the second time, I was speechless. Arlene had changed. Arlene had matured.

I liked the "new" her.

And as I watched them walk away to the dance floor, I liked seeing her "new" man of her dreams. She was happy...and he looked happy being with her.

That star was meant for you.

What did she mean?

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