A Plan

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Sometimes, things don't go as planned.

For this time cycle, I didn't go all the way back to the Kadayawan Performance. I only wanted to go back as little as possible. Why? Well, I needed to fix this in the best way I knew. 

And things were going to work out. Even if things might be slightly different.

As I opened the door to my room, my phone beeped. I scrolled through to see Arlene's poem again.

Have you ever looked at something again, Journal, and saw it with different eyes? Because at that moment, I did. I could sense Arlene's growing sadness. That's why I was here to stop it.

I decided to take the most direct route:

Me: Hi Arlene, just going to say, Trent won't ask me to the dance.

I got an instant reply.

Ar-Ar: How do you know?

Me: Because he just won't ask me. I will never hear the words. And guess what?

Ar-Ar: What?

Before I started to text again, I hesitated. It was like I was putting off my love for him just for her. Then I smiled.

That was fine for me. If it made my best friend happy, then I would gladly sacrifice. I turned my focus back to my phone.

Me: I hope he asks you.

Arlene didn't text me back that night. But I know that she felt excited. She was hopeful.

My plan was working. Now, time for phase two.

The hardest part.


After the New Year holiday, going back to school was tough.

When Trent and his friends came up to us (Arlene met me at the school entrance again) I stopped walking.

"Trent, can I talk to you for a second?" I whispered. Arlene eyed me out of the corner of her eye, but then looked away.

She knew this part of the plan. I had already told her. But she didn't know what the bigger reason was. 

We pulled out of the current of students rushing down the hall. He looked at me, waiting for what was to be said. But I just wanted to soak up this moment. This last moment I would probably be facing him like this in a long time.

"What's up?" He said with a smile.

I only looked into his eyes. How did things have to get so complicated with him?

Then I shook my thoughts away, "There's something I need you to do. Can you? For me. For Arlene."

Hearing the urgency in my voice, he raised an eyebrow, "Sure. What's that?"

I exhaled sharply, "Please don't hang out with us anymore."

He laughed, but when he saw that I didn't laugh along, he became silent. His smile faded away as he spoke again, "What's this about? What's wrong? I-"

Even though it hurt me to say this to him, I smiled, "It's nothing. It's just, I want to spend more time with my best friend."

When I said "spend more time" I meant "spend a lot more time so that I can make her happier"...but I don't know if he understood that, Journal.

"Wait, what happened-" He asked again. He was no longer smiling.

"Can you do that?" I interrupted with a fake smile.

3TS: The Chances of Starting AgainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang