Spots of Blood

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You need to go to the hospital!

In the early rays of "happy" sunshine, I didn't feel like getting up.

There were two reasons:

It's saturday.

And just because.

Because I felt awful. Horrible. And guilty. Trent was hurt. Arlene was confused. And Juan was watching me closely.

Yeah, Journal. That was "two" reasons.

Don't hurt my friend. He doesn't deserve this.

Juan had said. But I had my best friend to worry about. She was hurt, but if she knew I was doing this for her. She would be grateful.

I lie in my bed. My overthinking brain felt as if it was still late at night, not being baked by the early morning sun rays.

I rubbed my tired eyes and heaved myself to sit up, remembering all the times Trent had looked at me this past week. Confusion. Sadness. And then blank. A blank face.

I never thought I would see those painful expressions again. But it had to be done. I wanted my best friend to be happy.

Ugh. All this thinking was messing with my brain. I had to grab some fresh air. Or get away from all of this.

I had to do something.

I clomped downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing an apple. Smelling the aromas wafting from my mother's cooking.

"Mom," I took a big bite into the apple, "is there errands I need to do this morning?"

My mother looked up at me, paused from her stirring and raised an eyebrow. I knew what she was thinking, Journal. She was probably thinking that I was going to ask her for something I wanted. Because I usually act as sweet as candy whenever I wanted something.

"No, mom, I'm not going to ask for a gift." I laughed as she opened her mouth. "I just..." I rubbed my foot at a spot on the ground. "want to get out for awhile."

She smiled, pulling me into a hug as she laughed, "Well, gorgeous, I need you to pick up a dress for my friend's daughter at the mall, because they're also having a Valentine's Ball. And, if you want, you can try and find your own dress to rent for the V-Day dance."

I looked up at her, smiling as wide as the moon. This was the brightest idea I had ever come across this past week. And I really needed this one. Getting out of the house and into a mall was like stepping into a fresh, new world.

She glanced down and winked.

I'm so grateful to have a mother like her.


The sliding doors of the mall opened as I stepped onto the large doormat. Cold air drafts past me, giving me a slight chill as I walked into the bright lights of the mall. Rubbing my shoulder, I peered down at my list of things to do.

My mom added a few more things on the list. Eggs, milk, green onions, onions, garlic, and...chocolate?

The list was finished in a breeze. The last thing to do was to pick up the dress.

Entering the dress shop, I felt like I was more of in a princess wardrobe. Gowns sparkled at every angle. But there was a specific one that caught my eye.

While waiting for the dress to be cleaned, I stared through the glass to the light blue gown that blew my mind away. It had long white slender sleeves, a high neck collar, and the perfect skirt to spin in. Staring at it, I felt like my heart dropped. This was the dress I was going to wear if Trent had asked me.

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