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When the sky is blue and the grass is bright green, everything seems happy and wonderful. When suddenly you are betrayed. That's when that bright world swirls around you into darkness.

During the Christmas party, I didn't even pay attention to the school dancers as they came in and waved some decorated Christmas banner. I didn't even look up as students "oohed" and "ahhed" at the high mid-air flip by a cheerleader. I didn't even perk up when the announcer called that it was time to give exchange gifts for two reasons, (1) I had seen it all before, and (2) there was nothing to look forward to.

I dragged myself out of my seat and handed my small wrapped keychain to Juan. In this second cycle, he was actually my assigned exchange gift.

Fortunately, he gave me a small smile, but that was about it. I smiled back, but went back to my seat with a sigh.

Juan would never know how much time I sacrificed for him. I glanced over at Trent.

And he would never know I had sacrificed a friendship for Juan.


At the announcer's call, I blinked to realize the boys were giving out their gifts already.

Trent came towards us, but I looked down. He was either going to turn around again or come and give a gift to Arlene. I knew that he was assigned to her in the first cycle.

"Excuse me."

I gestured with my thumb to point towards Arlene, "Arlene is over there."

It was quiet for a moment. Then he spoke up, "Are you Krissa?"

I hurriedly stared up at him, searching in his eyes if he had a sudden sense of recognition. That maybe he had his own superpower of looking into the many cycles of time and remember me.

That, once he remembered, we could finally become friends.

I nodded. And he handed a small wrapped box to me. The wrapping wasn't even a Christmas themed wrapper. "Sorry, I didn't have time to buy Christmas wrapping, so I wrapped it with an old assignment I had."

I carefully ripped it open to see chocolate inside. Then something else caught my eye, the wrapping.

I looked to the title to see it said, "Chemistry 1"


My heart sunk in my chest as I remembered he had saved my Chemistry book from stinking up in the trash. But in this time, the second cycle, he wouldn't even remember that small act of kindness he did for me. And he won't even remember that small little joke he poked at me.

So, we've got this 'chemistry' between us...

Ugh, journal, I was liking the wrapper more than the chocolates he gave me. The memories with it...

It was making my heart break.

Fate was playing with everything. Time, my thoughts, and my feelings.

Trent was probably waiting for a reply because he asked, "You don't like it?"

I blinked and looked up, "Huh? Oh,, thanks."

He nodded, giving me a small smile as he saluted me.

My heart skipped a beat.

As he walked away, my gaze drifted to a window behind him. My eyes lingered on the stars twinkling wickedly at me.

Those same stars I had wished on had betrayed me. 

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