A Heart that Shattered

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Feb. 14 When all your hopes are high in the sky, and then they fall to the cold floor. Shattered.

I can't tell you how fun the next few weeks of preparation had been. Every time I passed Trent in the hall, he would smile and ask something. I know, it's hard to believe one of the quiet but popular guys talks to me. So here are his most recent questions (and my answers) if you don't believe me:

"Are you going to put up your hair?"

"Kind of."

"What color will your dress be?"

"Light blue."

"Are you going to put on makeup?"

What girl doesn't? Just so you know journal, I didn't really say that in front of him. I really just politely smiled and then nodded.

With all the secret looks and quietness that Arlene was in, it seemed as though she was affected by it all. But, to her, she knows I was trying to get to know him as a good friend. In my mind, I was trying to be his friend. That's why I tried to hide my smile whenever he asked me one of those V-dance questions. Because it was almost hard for me to hide all of my excitement. Especially if you're hiding it from your best friend.

To tell the truth, I was hiding my excitement. But I was also hiding something else. When I would answer him, I didn't reveal everything, journal. Because (1) Arlene knows if I speak to him too much about my plans, I'm very interested in him. And (2), for a fact, girls like to surprise that boy. See the wonder and surprise on his face as he smiles as you walk up to him in your dress. It makes a girl happy.

That's what I did, journal. I made my outfit a small surprise. He knew the color of my dress (which was light blue), but he didn't know how cute my slender sleeves (that reached down to my elbow), my floor-length dress (that had a nice full skirt that a girl could spin in and a short turtleneck), my blue pendant necklace with matching dangling earrings, and my simple heels (to give me extra height to walk and not trip in my nice dress).

Everything seemed perfect as I walked into the school. I was a bit early so I could help Arlene out (with all her coughing and sniffing, I could tell she wasn't feeling well again).

Sparkly hearts littered the hallway leading to the dance as I made my way through. I felt like I was in a glorious ballet dance, waiting to start with me prancing down it's path. I twirled and laughed softly as I shakily (in my high heels) walked.

Suddenly, the fairytale world turned dark when I heard the banging of doors.

Juan abruptly came crashing through, heading my way. He was wheeling a cart full of porcelain plates way too fast, even for a waiter. He was probably helping, but he was way over his head. He was texting in one hand, talking to someone with a phone held by his ear and shoulder, and trying to push along the cart with his free hand. What was he thinking?

I froze, but then tried to move. My dress got caught in my heels (I should've worn higher heels) and I tripped and fell on my face. In that moment, the cart came crashing at me, bumping into me, bouncing back and launching itself at Juan.



When I finally found my senses, I turned to face up, with several porcelain pieces scattered in my hair and my dress. I sat up to see Arlene next to me, some of Juan's friends near Juan, and a few teachers. And then I saw the real mess. Juan.

He was covered in shattered plates. Cuts. And bruises.

"What happened?" Arlene asked me gently, but Juan answered.

"She tripped right in front of me, and the cart tipped." He glared at me, "This is all your fault."

"Okay, we don't have time for who had done it." A teacher spread out her arms and then clapped her hands for attention. "Arlene, you are still needed at the decorations. Krissa and Juan, please clean this up. Students will be arriving soon."

I was screaming inside. Juan and me? Cleaning up together? This was all just an accident.

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