01. Family

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Family, that is what I treasure the most before the people in my town. They are loving, caring, cheerful. The people here light up the town with their laughter full with happiness, it echoed through the air in day time, and peaceful at night.

The lady by the bakery, she used to greet me happy day everytime I passed her house, giving me free delicious bread to eat. They treasure me like how I treasure them. Everything is so peaceful that I wish it would stay this way forever.

My childhood friend called my name from afar, snapping me back from my daydream. Running towards me, short in breath, he muttered my name. "Hey Yoongi. What's in the hurry?" I giggled at the stare he gave me. "Could you not? I'm Suga. Call me that or I'll hug you till your bones break."

I laughed. I love this moment where we joke around each other. Suga is my first friend that I made when I'm 6. Most of the kids avoided me whenever they saw me. Obviously they're scared with my existence. No one bother to talks to me; except for the adults. Maybe they are mature enough to think and act. Until one day, when I was alone; sketching while I sit under the tree. That was when Suga came.

I remember his introduction. He hated his real name and told me to call him Suga. Even sometimes I tease him by calling him his real name. But he never really gets mad at me because he knows me. When other kids ignored and avoided me, he came and talked to me. Asking my name, age, everything. And the moment I remembered most is when he looked straight into my eyes.

My aqua coloured eyes.

Without any fears shown in his face. Not even a bit. 'I like your eyes.' is what he said to me. Other kids teased me for my eyes. Calling me witch and names. Said that I bring bad fortunes. They said I'm abnormal. But it's totally different from Suga. The moment I heard his words, I cried. For the very first time on my life about my eyes. Because I've always hate my eyes.

"Althea." A voice rings into my eardrum and bringing me back to my sense. "Daydreaming? Am I not enough to be your dream?" He laughs. I hit him on the arm lightly. "Shut up Yoongi."

"Hey! Suga." He corrected it. I nodded in amuse. "But really Suga, you saved me back then, remember?" I look at him, his curly brown hair covered his forehead. "Thank you."

"No big deal." He replied. "But what's with this emotional atmosphere? Man, it's not like we won't meet again." He stated and laughed. I did too. "Sure, sure. But really, I wanted to say thank you. For everything." He nodded. Mom walked out of our house and called out my name. Telling me it's getting late and asked me to help her with dinner. "I gotta go. Bye, Suga. See you tomorrow."


I stand up and jog towards mom. Closing the door shut and help her in the kitchen.


"Althea!" Mom voice rings. Waking me up from my sleep, her panic face greeted me. "Althea!" She called my name for the second times, before I quickly sit up and look at her. Finding clues on her panic face but none was found. "What's wrong? What happened?" She holds my upper arm, the coldness of her hands can be feel on my skin through my clothes. "You have to go! You have to go now!"

"Wait, why?"

"They're back! They're here." She stated in fear. They? I stare at her eyes. Her brown eyes that was different from mine. "Dark peace?" I questioned her. She didn't move nor she says a word. But her eyes did. "But mom, where's dad?"

"He's outside. He was dragged by them outside. We don't have much time left. Your dad wanted me to tell you to run. He buys us some time. Don't turn this into a waste, Thea. Now, go!"

"But mom-!" My voice tremble. Tears escaped my bright coloured eyes as she hold my cheek in her palm. "It's okay, dear. It's okay. We'll be fine. I trusted that you will have a better life than this."

"Mom, this is enough for me. I already owned a better life! I have you guys! The citizens."

"Not anymore, Thea. Listen, they are going to terminate us. All of us. We don't want that. We want at least one person to live. So our city will remain alive, not on the map. But on the mind." She talks so fast, I almost can't catch up with her. Her breath speeds up.

"But why me?"

"Because we all believe you can survive this. All of us do. Here, take this." She took out a necklace with the symbol of our city. "Remember that uncle across the street? He made this for you. Because we all know this day will come. We all choose you. Suga did too." We suddenly heard a loud knocks on the door of my bedroom. "Get out!" The person on the other side of the door yelled. His voice fierce like a sword.

"Okay, you have to go. Time's running out. Remember, we always love you. The people, your dad, Suga, and me." She hugs me. She buried her face on my shoulder, hugging me so tied that as if she doesn't want to let me go. "Go dear." She touched my cheek, wipes away the hot tears streaming. "Live."

I move towards the window as I pushed it upwards. Making a turn and give my mom a final look. I jumped out of the window. High for kids, but not for me. I ran towards the silent forest, aware of my surrounding and for the people in dark armor. I hid behind a tree when I am far enough from my city. Mom face that look tired but still smiling attached to my mind.

I heard Suga's voice echoed on the air. My hot tears streaming more and more down my cheeks. The people cries for mercy. I can't stand the thought of this all. My heart hurt a lot, like I was chocked. The trachea is becoming narrow, not allowing me to breath. I covered my mouth and cry.


Mom final word playing in my mind. Repeating again and again. Her trembling voice yet trying to make it calm can still be heard by me. I can't believe it happened.


It's morning. The people in dark armor left the city few hours ago. I stand up and look at the now damaged city of mine. Smokes coming out from the roof. The city is not as lively as before. I knew the moment I saw the sight of it.


That they are all gone.

It's not like we won't meet again.

For me.

The Prince and The Aqua-eyes Lady [EXO'S Baekhyun fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now