03. Roses

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I wake up to the birds chirpping outside of the window. "Where am I?" I mumbled to myself as I slowly sit up on a soft, comfy ruby coloured single bed. I saw my dirty white robe hang on the hooks that was place on the wall.

Well, except it's not dirty white anymore. It's white as new. I swing my legs to the side of the bed, letting it hang before it stepped on the warm floor.

I slowly walked downstairs and saw Amanda working at the kitchen. "Amanda?" I ruffled my middle back length hair as I walked towards the busy Amanda.

Her soft red dress reached the concrete floor as she looks at me over her shoulder. "Ah! Thea! Good morning, dear." She greeted me with a smile. Looking over her shoulder, looking at her as she stir up the eggs in the flour. "Cakes?"

"Almost there. Pancakes." She replied. Walking around the kitchen, Amanda speaks to me. "I have clothes ready for you. It's in the closet if you're wondering."

I stopped on my track. "Thank you, Amanda."

"Now, now. Off to your room." She wipes her hand on the apron she's wearing and walks towards me. "I bet you look lovely in the new dress I prepared for you." She patted me at the back and insisted me to go change. "Alright, Amanda." I laughed.

I open the door and slowly let me in. Closing the door behind, I walked towards the nicely polished wooden closet. Sliding it open, I saw a very pretty aqua coloured dress. Simple, yet attractive enough to me.

I put it on, looking at my reflection on the mirror as I try spin around in my new dress. After I felt satisfied with my new dress, I went downstairs. "Althea dear, how about you take a look around the city?"

"Can I?" I swipe my bangs to the side. "Sure. And, Welcome to the Rose city."

"Thank you, Amanda." I smile before putting my hood on. She gives me a hug before waving me goodbye at the door. Her elegant figure stands out among the people that passed by her house.


I was wandered around, thinking that it's a beautiful city. I walked away from the cheerful city and slowly head towards a more quiet place.

Then, I found a garden fulled with roses. My city once owned a tulips garden; before it was destroyed. The roses here is unique and fulled with different types of colours. I slowly bend down, reaching the same eye level with the roses.

I touched one of them, softly. 'Be careful of thorns'. I warned myself to avoid getting hurt. The soft breeze blows towards us, brushing my hair backwards and the sound of the leaves collide with each other fits the atmosphere.

Making me to stay there longer. When I was enjoying the soft breeze brushed against my pale skin, a rustle was heard from the other side of the garden. I slowly get up and look towards the sound.

And as if the time has stopped, I saw a very charming guy standing at the opposite direction of mine. Our eyes met with each other and I hold my breath.

He has bright ruby coloured hair, matched with the colours of the red roses. His hair was softly blew by the cool breeze. That moment I thought, I never met someone charming like him before.

His dark brown eyes catched my attention. Such beautiful eyes, I thought. And he's taller than me.

"Pardon my disturbance." He speaks up, breaking the calm silence that we had. "Ah, no. It's okay,". I was flustered by his sudden voice and accidentally scratched myself on the hand.

"Ouch!" I quickly pulled my hand away from the thorns and wiped the blood away. I shouldn't have gone to near with the roses and I should be more careful. Lesson learned.

"Are you okay?" He quickly walks towards me, making me more flustered. "A-ah, Yes. I'm okay-" Before I was able to say anything, he takes my hand in his, examined the scratch I have on my hand.

"It's bleeding." He mumbles and takes out a handkerchief with blue pattern at the end of it. Wraping it around my hand and it's large enough. He stopped the bleeding with it. "Um, Sorry. I've burdened you."

"It's okay. You can have that handkerchief. I have plenty more at my place." He smile.

I was too attracted to his smile and the closeness of our face, I didn't realised my hood was slowly off of my head. Revealing my eyes at him.

His shocked face brings me back to reality, I quickly hold my hood in order to put it back on. "Your eyes-" He pointed out.

I was scared. I am scared. The voices of the people called me abnormal, witch and other due to my abnormal colour of eyes hit my mind. I was bracing myself for the words he might say and it betrayed my expectations as he said, "It's beautiful. Like diamonds."

I open my eyes to look at him. His gentle smile greeted me. "What?" I asked him, to confirm that my ears are functioning well. "It's beautiful. I like it."

I hold my hood tight, did I just hear things right? Unable to believe the statement he said, he chuckled. "Don't be so scared. I won't harm you and I truly admire your eyes." He stated.

"Ah, Thank you for the compliment,". I feel a waves of worries off my shoulder and let out my breath. I didn't realised I was holding it all this time. I feel my heart feels light and relieve.

"Are you wearing the hood to cover up your eyes?" He questioned. "Uh, yes."

"I see." he muttered and he stays silent. Like he was in a deep thoughts. "Uh, thanks for the handkerchief. I'll return it to you someday." I broke the silence and his mind is back to earth as he looks at me. "Ah. Yes. You're welcome."

Looking at the time on my watch that was firmly wrapped around my wrist, I excused myself. "I'm sorry for touching you without permission." He confessed. My eyes are as wide as the dinner plate, not expecting him to said that. "It's okay." I smile before I walked away from him.

Then I stopped. I turned around and look at him, his eyes look at mine. "I admire your red hair. It's the same with the colour of the roses. It matched." I give him a final nod and smile, before walking away.

I opened the door, let myself in and shut it. As I thought that Amanda would hear the door closing, she popped out from the kitchen and greeted me a welcome home.

"What's wrong, Thea? Are you okay? Your face is red." She pointed out my red as tomato face. "Did something happened?" She takes a closer look at my face.

"Amanda, the roses are beauty. Especially one of them."

a/n: a-ye! Baekhyun finally comes out. Sorry he have to comes out at the third chapter ;-; But yeah, here he is. So yeah, leave some comments and votes! And let me know what you thinks of this chapter!

Follow my twitter at 'bohohujuliet' and tweet to me anytime!

The Prince and The Aqua-eyes Lady [EXO'S Baekhyun fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now