05. Open gate

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I wake up, the sun shone it's sunlight into my room. Lighting the room from darkness. I moved in my bed lazily, stretching my head and rolled to the side. With my half-opened eyes, I look at the window that showed outside world. "It's today, huh?" I mumured and sit up on my bed.

My hair is messy, most of them are out of place but I didn't bother to put them back. I thought that I should do that later after I take my bath. I swing my legs to the side and stepped on the nicely polished wooden floor. I search for a towel in the closet, and as expected it was there. Without wasting any time, I took the towel and went into the bathroom.

Washing my face; now I feel a lot fresher, brushing my teeth and take my bath. The water is cold, making me shiver all over. Amanda did ready everything there, maybe she did it just in case something happen. I didn't want to question her.

Getting myself ready, I wear the pastel aqua coloured dress that was in the closet, folded neatly from who I assume was Amanda. Looking at myself on the mirror, the reflection of myself showed that it was okay. Satisfying,

Then someone knocks the door, Amanda's voice can be heard from the other side of the door. "Are you awake?"

I walked to the door and opened it, and saw Amanda in a blue dress, "That looks good on you." I complimented her. She smile. Her hazel coloured hair matched he colour of her dress. And how she tied her hair into a messy bun is beautiful.

"You too," She smile. "So, you're ready? Or are you too excited to move?" She chuckled. I giggled, taking my hood off the hooker, I put it on. "Not really. But I do look forward to it." I walked towards her and we leave, closing the door shut.

I pulled my hood over my head, in purpose to hide my eyes colour from people. Even if Amanda is okay with it, I'm not sure about others. Amanda didn't question why, as she knew why. I took one of the basket off the table, and take it in my arm. Amanda took the other one and did the same as me.

Checking the basket to make sure the cookies are in there, we proceed after confirming it. Once we stepped outside, the atmosphere is lively from usual, there are many people that dress beautifully, some of them wear fancy dresses. I admire it.

"Lively, isn't it?" Amanda said as she stopped by my side, looking around the place. "This is why the people love the open gate day. It makes the city becomes more lively." She spoke, and patted me on the back as she starts walking.

Amanda didn't talk much while we are walking, she let me look at the stores and the events that are ongoing. Letting me experience it. Somehow people are attracted to her, I noticed. When I look at her, I know the reason why. Everything about her is elegant.

We reached the palace gate, it's huge and shining in a way I couldn't explain. The guards are on duty, their uniform is cool, they look good on it. "We're here. Let's try selling these as much as we can." She turned around, and lift her basket. "I bet these cookies will sell. Since you know pretty well how to bake them."

I start working, selling the cookies and fortunately, people would be glad to buy them. It makes me relieved somehow. Some of the customer gave a good feedback when they tried the cookies they bought, and I thanked them sincerely.

We meet again after a few minutes has passed, Amanda's basket is completely empty, which is a good thing for her. "I still have one left." I told her, looking into the basket. "well, you can look around while trying to sell the last one."

I look at her, "Really?" I said. She nodded her head and told me that she's going to walk around. We promised that we're going to meet again at the same spot and I walked towards other direction from Amanda. I look around and the palace is huge. It makes me wonder whether the people that live there get lost before.

The Prince and The Aqua-eyes Lady [EXO'S Baekhyun fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now