14. Prince who?

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"I'm here to give surprise." Sir Chanyeol said as he turned to look at us.

What kind of surprise? I'm not even sure myself. Sir Chanyeol smirked as he looks at my confused expression, he even managed to chuckle. "The things behind these door—" he pointed is thumb to the back, towards the direction of the door, "will answer your questions, Madame."

Baekhyun rests his hands on his waist, tilting his head to the side as he raised one of his eyebrows at Sir Chanyeol. "But you know that, right?" he said, looking at me before turning his gaze right back at his Knight. His Sir Knight just smiled at him before turning around to face the door located in front of him. "Here we go!" He rests his hands on the huge wooden door and pushed it inwards, revealing something unspeakable.

An army of soldiers are revealed in front of me, they are busy keeping their weapon in places, not even noticed the existence of us three. Sir Chanyeol stepped into the room and clapped his hands together twice to gain their attention. The soldiers stopped in their track and look over the direction of the sound. Baekhyun stepped in after Sir Chanyeol, standing next to him then. "Your Highness!" One of the soldier shouted, before resting his hand on his left chest and bowed.

The others followed the first soldier and bowed to greet the Prince of their country. "Raise your head." Baekhyun said, assuring them that it's fine to do so. "We are here today to introduce someone who gained a title in the palace today." Sir Chanyeol stated, but my head was too occupied with the things happening before me, unable to catch the words of his.

Baekhyun called my name and told me to stand by his side. I slowly approached the crowd, walking out of the shadows and into the light. "She's Althea Kim, the royal florist starting now," Baekhyun stated, gesturing his hand towards my direction. "She will need your protection from now on. Make sure you do your job well." He ended his statement.

I curtsied, slightly bowing my head a bit before raising them again. "I'm Althea Kim." I introduced myself, "Please be kind to me."

The knights excitedly nodded their heads, saying to leave all the matters to them and to depend on them. Baekhyun's face formed a smile, before he said, "Don't underestimate her, though gentlemen. She's a very strong woman." He confessed, earning goofy smiles from his fellow followers. "Sure thing!"

We went out of the room, Baekhyun letting out a deep sigh before looking in front of him. "Now there are people who will protect you, even though you can defend yourself quite well, Madame." He looked at me before smiling. "Don't smile at me like that, Sire. You make me want to smile along." I teased, walking away from him and tailing Sir Chanyeol from behind.

"What a lovely couple you two could make." Sir Chanyeol stated, a wide smile spread across his good-looking face. "The prince spoiled you too much." He giggled.


The next morning, Amanda was excited than usual, probably because she's baking cookies again, or probably that I will be working in the palace today. Either way, she looks happy and it reminds me of a kid getting candies from adults. "Oh! Thea Darling!" She sings, as she wrapped her hand around my waist. "Today is definitely a good day for you, hm?" She smiled, absolutely I know what she's talking about. "You could say that, Madame." I played along with her as she giggles her way to the kitchen again. "I could see how excited you are on your first day of work in the palace."

"I should say that you are more excited than I do, Amanda." I said, entering the kitchen after her and take a peek over her shoulder to look at the baked cookies. "Want to have some, milady?" She hands some cookies at my way and I grabbed one without hesitating. Her cookies are delicious as always, the taste is just right. Not too sweet, not too bland.

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