11. An Honor

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Spending hours getting ready, the maids and the guards did their job pretty well. Exhausted, I rest on the nearby chair on the hallway, leaning against the wall while taking my breath after I ran around for too much, for someone like me. I rarely exercise nowadays, and I easily get tired.

And these running errand proved it. While trying to take some nap, I can feel a presence at my side, trying slowly to sit on the chair. "Jihyo?" I called out but none answered. I become curious over the silence and opened my eyes to look at my right. "Taking nap?" He said. My eyes are wide open, screaming at myself in the head for calling him Jihyo.

"I'm sorry for calling you, Jihyo, Your Highness--"

He quickly covered my mouth with his hands, his fingers are slim and beautiful. Way more beautiful than mine, making me wonder how he takes care of his hands. I finally realised of his action and panicked. His face just an inch away. "Byun Baekhyun." He stated.

After several seconds of thinking the meaning of his name, I finally remembered that he wants me to call him by his name. He let go of his hand when he finally noticed that I got what he's trying to say, and I nodded. "Let me rephrase it. Sorry for calling you; Jihyo, Baekhyun."

He smile at my statement, satisfied with it.

"Why are you here, Baekhyun?" I asked, but then looked at him before he managed to answer. "You escaped from your works again?"

He laughed. "You know it now, huh?" He said, still laughing. I joined him after and laughed. It feels nice when you finally able to laugh after draining your energy for hours without laughing. "Are you looking forward to tomorrow's party?" He looked at the decorations that are done by us, and nodded. "I like the way you arrange the flowers." He looked over the tall vase standing by the double door. 

"How do you know that I arranged those?"

"I've been watching you since hours ago." He stated without any hesitation. "You've been watching me?"

He looked at me, waving his hands when he saw my shocked face, my eyebrows are furrowed. "I mean, not like a stalker. I've been walking around and always saw you." He touched his neck and looked away. I chuckled at his cute action. 

He asked what I laughed at, and I looked at him, replying that I like the way he rubbed the back of his neck with his slim fingers. He smile, then staring into my eyes without any words. I stare back at his, "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Your eyes are pretty." He suddenly confessed. I stay in silence as I look at him. He says nothing the whole time and just stare at my eyes. It's like, we're spending times staring at each other instead of having a talk. "It's nice to know that you really adore my eyes." I finally said, breaking the silence between us. 

He blinked his eyes and looked away. "Sorry for staring into your eyes too long."

I shook my head. "It's okay. It's nice to know that you like them." I look at my shoes. The images of that moment rushed into my head without warning. Making me shivers again, I could hear my screams, asking for help. And those voice that came running after me. It's horrifying. I was pulled into the memories again.

But a hand grabbed mine and bring me back to my sense. And I saw Baekhyun looking at me with worries. "Are you okay? You're shivering." He said, his hand holds mine gently. I took a deep breath and pushed those memories away again, looking down on my hand. "And your hand is cold. Are you okay?"

Baekhyun asked me once more. I turned around and wanted to answer but he stopped me from doing so when he suddenly rest his forehead on mine. "You don't have any fever." He said, checking my temperature. I blinked my eyes at him as he leaned back, making him panicked again. "Oh, sorry for doing that without your permission." He apologized. I shook my head slowly.

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