08. Florist

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"Good morning, Amanda." I greeted her morning when we meet each other outside of our room. "Morning!" She smiled at me. The first thing I noticed about her this morning is her outfit. She's wearing a white dress with some purple lace at the edge of her clothes. "Nice outfit." I commented. She looks down on her dress and grins.

"Thank you. This is my medic's outfit." She takes the files in her arm and proceed downstairs as I tailed her from behind. "Ah, you're going to work today?" We entered the kitchen and I headed towards the refrigerator, took out the milk and poured it into a glass.

"Yeah. I'm working today. They keep looking for me. They said it's a mess without me." She giggled. I drink the cold milk. "I see. I'm going for a job hunting today. So no one will be at home." I smile and handed her a cup of milk. "Thanks." She drinks it in a gulp and put the glass on the table.

"I have to go now. Don't forget to lock the door when you leave. See you!" She took her jacket off the hook and left after she wore it.

I put on my hood and look around the house to make sure the fire isn't on. "Okay. Let's go for a job hunting." I mumbled and close the door behind me and locked it.


I walked towards the flower store, the store looks calming and bright. It filled with lots of flowers with different types of colours. "Excuse me?" I said to the florist nearby. Her age around thirties, her wavy black hair tied to a bun. "Yes?" She smiled at me.

"I heard you are looking for workers. Is it still available?" I asked her. She puts down the flowers and said, "Ah! yes. We are looking for a worker. I am the owner of the store. My name is Jihyo." She wiped her hands on her white apron and offer a handshake.

"Hi. I'm Althea. Call me thea." I smile. She nodded and welcome me inside her store. "Nice name you have." She told me to sit on one of the chair as she headed towards the kitchen. "Sorry, I only have hot cocoa at this time." She puts the hot cocoa on the table, along with some sugars. 

"It's fine." I smile. She sits across from me. "So, how old are you?"

"Nineteen." I replied. She has this shocked face on her. "I thought you are around seventeen. You look young." She smile as she covered her mouth in amazed. I laughed at her comment. "May I know why you're wearing a hood?"

I played with my fingers. "I have weird pairs of eyes. I'm scared I might scare you off."

"It's okay," She said. "Show me."

I slowly opened my hood and revealed my aqua coloured eyes. She looks shocked, I thought she would chase me away but she did the opposite. "That's a pretty pair of eyes! It shines like diamonds." She said in amazed. "I really like your eyes. It drawn me into it." She laughed.

"You're not scared?"

"Why should I?" She rest her hands on the table. "It's really unique. I think the people here will come to love your eyes. We like unique things." She explained. "Thank you." I mumbled. I almost at the verge of tears. She smile and stands up from her seat.

She reached something over the counter and come back with a milkish coloured apron in her hands. "Here, this is yours. Put it on. I hope you will give your best as a florist." She handed me the apron, fixing hers after. 

"Ah! I forget to tell you something. Sometimes, we will work here. Sometimes we will work for the royal when they have important events. We are the only florist who work for royal. We should be proud. So held your head high, okay?" She smile.

"Why do you let me work as a florist in your store?" I asked as I put on the apron she gave me.

"I have feelings you will be a good florist. Never I doubt my instinct." She patted me on the shoulder before getting to work. "Come on. There's people who wants to buy flowers. Just ask me if you need anything. Good luck!"


"Your highness!" Someone called me, waking me up from my nap. "Who is it?" I straighten up my back and rubbed my eyes. The figure that are standing in front of me slowly become clearer as my eyes focus. "ah, you again, Chanyeol. What do you need Sir Knight?" I said, lazily. I don't feel like doing anything at all.

"His Majesty, your brother, is on his way here. He said he has something important to talk about." Chanyeol stated. I sighed. "What that stupid brother of mine needs this time?" I fixed my hair and my outfit. Chanyeol shaking his head, saying nothing.

Then, I heard knocks on my huge door. "Who is it?" I shouted. "His Highness is here, your highness!" The voice of my brother's personal assistant answered from behind the door. "Come in."

The door swung opened, his assistant lowered his gaze when my brother entered the room. He then closed the door behind him and stand still like a guard. "It's nice to meet you again, little brother of mine." He said, smiling.

"Same here. But I'm sick of seeing your face right after I took my nap." I joked. He laughed. "So, what do you need this time, King Daehyun?"

He smiled at my sarcastic question. "Sir Changkyun." He called his assistant and in a second, his assistant handed him something which seems like an envelope. Sir Changkyun went back to his position and my brother walked towards the table.

He puts the envelope on the table and looked at me. I picked up the envelope and look at it, front and back. Without needing to ask, my brother starts explaining things in the envelope. "Do you know your cousin, Princess Tiffany will be married next week?"

"She is?" I looked at him, shocked on the sudden news.

"Yes. And before her marriage, she will come to our country and held a ceremony here in this palace. Which mean, this week. On saturday. The day after tomorrow." He explained. I opened the envelope to see Princess Tiffany's handwriting. 

"So, what do you need?" I asked, without removing my gaze away from the handwriting.

"I need you to go into the city, search for a flower store named 'Song's Florist'. And gives this envelope to the owner of the store." He puts another envelope on the table. I picked up the envelope and scan it. "Why are you telling me to go instead of guards?"

"I think it is our duty since this will be our cousin's ceremony. Bring along your Sir Knight with you. Come to my room and report to me after. Do you understand?" He asked. I nodded in return. "Good. Don't forget to keep your identity hidden. You know it will cause a ruckus among the people." He said.

"Of course. They will cause a ruckus over me." I smiled.

"Sorry to burst your bubbles, but they will cause a ruckus over your charming Sir Knight." He stated, then he nodded towards Chanyeol before he excused himself. "Thank you for your time, Your Highness." Sir Changkyun said and closed the door.

"Now I could see my brother's assistant clearly." I commented. "You mean, I.M?" Chanyeol asked. "I.M?"

"Yes, I.M is his nickname, Your Highness. We tend to have code names so people won't know who's who. Only the king and the knights know." Chanyeol explained. I nodded in amazed. "That sounds cool. What's your code name then?" I rest my elbow on the table and put my cheek on my palm.

"Sir Handsome." He answered. "Sir Handsome? I should recommend a name for you."

"What is it?"

I leaned back to my chair. Smirking, I said, "Sir Yoda."

Chanyeol won't stop talking after that about the nickname I recommended to him. He said the nickname sounds ridiculous and such. And how he said he won't accept the code name I gave him. And I, on the other hand won't stop laughing about the code name I gave him.

"Okay, Sir Knight Yoda, we have work to do in the city tomorrow. So make sure you don't wake up late. Meet me here tomorrow at 8 o'clock sharp. You heard me?" I put my hands on my waist. "Yes, Sir! And I am not Sir Knight Yoda." He stated.

I nodded and chased him away from my room.

Tomorrow will be a busy day, I thought to myself.


A/N: I had fun writing this chapter, seriously xD Here's an update. Hope you like it and votes! Comments too if you can! Thank you. Love you guys xoxo <3

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