04. Cookies

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"Hey, Amanda." I break the silence when she's too focus on her work, stirring the flour so the eggs would be equal. She nods, "Yes, dear?"

"Is there anything that I can do? I mean, I have to work, right?" I asked, putting the cookies that haven't been baked into the oven owned by Amanda. "Well, if you have something you're good at. Maybe you can found one."

I nods. But the thoughts interrupted my thinking. I thought to myself, do I have something I'm good on? Yeah, resting and lazy around is not included. I took a deep breath and sigh. A deep sigh at that.

"Don't let it bother you too much. You'll eventually found one." Amanda took a spoonful of sugar before putting it on the flour she's stirring.

"I guess. I'll take a walk. Who knows I get ideas on what I'm good at." I untie my apron and hang it on the hook near to the doorframe of the kitchen. "Be careful!" Amanda shouted from the kitchen.

I took my robe off the hook near the door, wear my shoes. I put the hood on before stepping outside. The words of the mysterious guy echoed in my head.

"I truly admire your eyes."

I blushed at the thought of that. "Shush! Brain. Cut it out." I walked outside and walked towards the quiet place, the garden.

People rarely visit that place so I, intentionally turned it into the place where I calm my head or when I feel like I want to be away from the noises.

"I'm back." I mumbled under my breath when I saw the beautiful garden of roses ahead of me. It's calm and beautiful. It has become my most favourite place of all time now.

This garden somehow remind me of that guy with the red hair. I wonder where he lives. I decided to hang around and spend my time there, in the garden.


I stand up and put my hood on, walking back towards the city. "Till we meet again." I give a final look at the garden before continue walking. As I passed by the city, I heard two women talking at each other.

I didn't plan to eavesdrop but I heard their conversation. "There's an open gate this week!" The woman in green dress and braid talked, excitement was found in her voice. "I know! It's tomorrow and the day after! They will have 2 day of open gate! I'm so excited." The woman in blue dress replied, her tone is happy.

I envied them, somehow. Can talk that happy around each other. I didn't say talking with Amanda is boring, but I wish I have someone that are at the same age as mine.

I saw a flyer stick on the wall near to the two women from before. Approaching it slowly, I take a look at the flyer. "So, the open gate is true. Maybe I should ask Amanda to come with me." I murmured quiet to myself as I walk towards Amanda's house. Or should I call it my house? But I'm not even sure if I live there yet.

"Hey, Amanda?" I let myself in after I opened the door and shut it back. I can still hear noises came from the kitchen, telling me that Amanda is still working in the kitchen, baking all those cookies. Speaking of cookies, why is Amanda baking cookies?

I walked towards the kitchen, wanting to make sure what I think is correct. I called out for her again, poking my head into the kitchen. "Yes?" She said, her hands still working by stirring the flour. "Are you making these cookies for the Palace's open gate?" I take my apron that I hung from the hook and stand beside her.

"Yeah. This is why there's so many cookies that I have to bake. I'm going to sell it there. Do you want to join?" She smile at me. I'm glad at least I have someone that is kind to me. I returned her smile as I nodded my head. "Sure. Let's bake all these cookies!" I folded my sleeves to my elbow and help Amanda.

We talked about a lot of things. Amanda knows pretty well how to joke around, she made me laugh a lot. At least, she helped me forget those awful images of my town. Remembering the painful experience, kind of make me sad all over again.

Suga's smiling face came to my mind. The voices of the citizens' laughter echoed in my ears. My mom and dad.

"Thea, live."

These flashback is hurting me. Hoping that my mind would stop, it didn't. The images was replaced by the tragedy that happened that night. Mom worried face, her trembling voice yet trying to hide it for me, encouraging me to live.

The memories that are playing in my mind stopped me from doing my work, attracting Amanda's attention that are watching over the cookies that are still baking. "Thea?" She straight her back up, looking at me to make sure that I'm okay. "Are you okay?" She hold my arm, her face clearly showed me that she's worried.

To tell the truth, I want to cry. I'm not sure if i'm able to hold these tears I'm holding. I stare at the flour in the bowl. It became sticky, some of it stick onto the whisk. "Yeah. Just remembering old memories." I look at her, smiling. Yet, she still looks worried but she didn't force me to talk. She smile, and wipe her sweaty hands on her apron.

"We're almost done with the cookies. Let's rest after this." Her hazel coloured hair that she tied to a braid rest on her shoulder. She didn't talk anything funny then, maybe because she knows that something is on my mind. So she said things that we should do tomorrow once the gate is open.

I listened carefully to her words, preventing myself from making any unnecessary mistakes. We took hours baking the cookies and put it inside a tiny transparent glass. We placed the glasses in a basket made in woods, it decorated with some tiny ribbon. "I always used this if there's open gate to sell these cookies."

"You've been doing this long ago?"

"Yeah, since I'm 16. Because this is the only thing I can do to help my grandma." She smile, her eyes glue to the glass that contained the cookies that we baked. I remained silent, looking at her. From my instinct, she's remembering the old times in her head, which was then confirmed by her. "Sorry, Just, I recalled some good memories."

I nodded. "I guessed it right." I smile at her. She looks sad, but most of it was replaced by happiness. She put the glass back into the basket. Then she told me how she were able to helped her grandma back then. She added that she didn't regret anything.

Her grandma last words to her was how she should stay strong and bravely accept challenges. And be kind to people. Her grandma was a kind person from the way she encouraged Amanda. She adore her grandma who are kind to everyone. Treating them the same.

We spent our times talking about her grandma, I didn't found this boring. It's amazing in so many ways. I kind of can understand why she adore her grandma so much, even now.

We finally finished putting the cookies in the basket, I lied my head on the table. My brown hair fall gracefully, but it didn't cover my vision completely. "I don't know this is tiring." I mumbled, causing Amanda to giggles. "But at least it's fun to do." I sit straight back up. Stretching my hands, then I massaged my tired shoulder.

"Let's go to sleep. We have to wake early tomorrow." I stand up from the chair and we walked towards the stairs. "I know you are excited about tomorrow. Don't fall off your bed dreaming about tomorrow." She nudged my arm with her elbow. Causing me to laugh.

We walked to different room. When I entered my room, I forgot to ask her whether I should live here any longer. Thinking that I should ask later, I changed to the pajama that Amanda put in the closet. It is unexpectedly comfortable. Or it is just me that forget how it feels like to sleep on the bed with a comfortable clothes.

Imagining the atmosphere about the open gate, I slowly fall into a deep sleep.


A/N: I decided to released this story sorry I cant-- Okay anyway, hope you like this tho? Comments and votes! Byee xoxo. Pardon my grammatical errors.

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