Act 8: A way to fight Back, Part II

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"No, no, no no no no no!" I couldn't think straight. What happened to my arm? Why is it some giant claw and why is it digging into Shizuka? "Dante..." Her voice faded away and her body became completely motionless. What the hell happened? What the hell did I do? My arm returned to normal and I pulled it out of her body. I couldn't take my eyes off of the hole in her chest as a I laid her body down on the ground. "I'm nothing but a monster." The note on my parents' bodies flashed through my brain. They knew about this. They knew what I could become and they never told me. Now I killed the most important person I had. I had nothing left to care about or to protect. That also meant that I have nothing to lose.
I started to breathe heavier, my body was shaking as I was anxious to move but I didn't know where I was going to go or what I was going to do. No, that's a lie. I know what I'm going to do and I know the best place to start. I brushed my hand across her face one last time before leaving the room but I stopped and turned to look at her again. I don't know how but it felt like I could sense her moving. That's not possible so I turned back around and I ran. I went to the outside and saw everybody fighting. The courtyard was full of so many bodies of humans and zombies but I didn't care about the death count. All I cared about was the hundreds more zombies that were begging for me to butcher them. My powers responded to my anger and rage as my arms change back into the same thing that killed her. Those claws looked evil. It seemed fitting for me now. I dived straight in slashing at dozens of zombies at a time, spinning like a tornado and turning them into sliced meat and creating spikes that skewered them through their chest, face, I didn't care less. All that mattered is that I killed as many of them as possible. This was for my parents and for Shizuka. This is for turning me into a monster because that's what they're all going to get!

This fight didn't look like it was going to end well. Without Shizuka to drive we had no way out and none of us could go search for her in a full fledged zombie attack. Then something strange happened. The horde of zombies that I cut was cutting down lost interest and walked towards another direction. As the left I could see where they were heading and I couldn't believe it. It was Dante, and he had claws? That doesn't make any sense but I don't have the time to think. I ran to Takashi and the others. "Dante is out. You think Shizuka did it?" It seemed like the only logical choice but then where was she? "We gotta find her while Dante has them focused on himself." I was the fastest so I took that as the signal to get a move on. Now if I were Shizuka where would I be? There are options but it seemed like the best place would be the last place we know she was .
I made my  way toward Dante's old cell room. There were zombies around every corner but nothing I couldn't handle. A few slices and stabs and I was able to keep moving. As I got closer I heard noises. It sounded like a struggle, like a fight and some of the sounds made it obvious that it was bloody. Anybody that could fight at this point would be good so I followed the sound to see if I could make a new friend. The path to the fight was exactly the same as the path to Dante's cell and when I reached the door I could hear the struggle continue on the inside.  I got ready to open it but then the door blew off its hinges sending me flying into a wall. It hurt badly but nothing was broken so that was the good part there. When I open my eyes I saw something that was blurry but it looked familiar. I had caught a glimpse before Takashi and I had ran from the highway, before Dante's zombie killing spree. He had somehow consumed them and it healed him. The thing was Dante was outside already so who exactly was this. My vision cleared up as the figure walked over to me holding out her hand. "Sorry about the door. I didn't think anyone was behind it." Shizuka laughed with a big smile as I took her hand and she helped me up. "So where's Dante?"

I haven't felt this good in my entire life. I should be a walking corpse right now trying to eat brains but just a few minutes ago I was in a zombie feeding frenzy but now I'm calm and I have my composure again. "How can you do all of that?" Saeko's question was one I didn't have an answer to myself. "I don't know. I was bit by a zombie but before I died Dante had-" that sight of his arm running through me flashed into my brain and that's when it clicked. "He passed it on to me. Where is he now?" Saeko was still in shock but she snapped out of it quickly. "He's in the courtyard with everybody fighting an endless number of zombies. We need you to get us out of here." It seemed like the time to make myself useful. "I got a better plan. How about we save this place?" I ran outside faster than I ever could. The feeling was insane and the feeling of jumping high into the air as I reached the balcony was amazing. Nothing felt better though than falling and smashing into an assortment of zombies. My punches and kicks where strong enough to kill multiple with a single blow. One high kick to five zombies had sent all of there heads flying. I wanted to admire my powers more but there were bigger problems at stake. I needed to find Dante but luckily there just happened to be a whole lot of zombie bodies flying toward the estate. Of course I went the opposite direction and met Dante in a matter of minutes. "Hey Dante. Need some help with these guys?" As he looked at me I could tell his emotions were running high. I stopped it by putting finger to his mouth telling him to shut up. "We can talk and do whatever you want later but now we need to lock this place up so no more of these things can get in. Any ideas?" Dante looked at the claws on his hands that back at some of the spikes that were across the battlefield. I was wondering where those came from but I'm going to take a guess. "I think I can do it but I need to get up high. Think you can give me a boost." I could do a lot better than a boost with these abilities. "I got you covered." Dante jumped back a few feet and I took position cupping my hands together for a foot stand to toss him. He ran toward me at top speed  and in a matter of seconds he was up close. He put his foot in my hands and I could feel him put so much pressure in this and I put everything I had into sending him as high into the air as possible. The results were great. Dante was up in the air and going higher fast. When he stopped rising he span around a few times before diving back down. He must have reached terminal velocity but it didn't worry me a bit. The moment he made impact with the ground there were cracks that formed around the area but that wasn't the best part. That would he the giant fence of spikes that formed covering every entrance on the grounds. "We did it!" I was jumping for joy until a zombie decided to take a bite out of my arm. "I forgot we still have to clean up what's still inside. Shouldn't take to long."

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