Benjamin x Reader - P.1

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"Hey." Bella greeted taking a seat next to you beside the window.

"Hey." you greeted back shutting your notebook and turning your attention toward her. "How was your weekend?"

"It was...interesting." she trailed off setting her backpack on the floor and situating her English book on the top of her desk.

"Interesting? What happened?" you asked your friend hoping that she had more to talk about than you did. Forks wasn't exactly the most happening place to be but Bella had been hanging around with the usually quiet and socially awkward Edward Cullen. It was to be expected that she had some good tales to tell considering no one knew much about the kid.

"I was at Edward's house Friday night." she began as she turned her attention toward you. "His friend is visiting from Egypt."

"Oh?" your interest spiked even more at the mention of a new friend. You would have been happy to be friends with someone from a different state but someone from a different country seemed even more exciting.

"We saw you on a drive by and he thinks your cute." she said giving you a half awkward smile as you instantly felt your cheeks heat up. "So...would you want to go on a double date with him?"

"With you and Edward right?" you asked confirming the plan.

"Yep. We'll be there the whole time." she assured.

"Yeah okay that sounds like fun." you told her before thinking about the situation for a moment. It had been awhile since you had broke up with Mike and you could use some new social interactions to get yourself back out there.

Before Bella had a chance to answer, the teacher brisk-fully walked into the room carrying a large amount of paper ready to hand out the exam. Despite having stayed awake half the night studying, the news of a date tonight seemed to cloud your mind and erased any knowledge that you had somehow managed to memorize.

As the teacher handed out the unnecessarily large booklet of papers waiting for answers, you dreamed of what Edward's friend could possibly look like or how his personality was. Sure Edward was attractive but his moody and mysterious personality really wasn't your cup of tea so to speak.
Hopefully this new guy at least had a sense of humor just in case the date doesn't go as well as hoped.

Looking down at the first page of the test, you swiftly wrote your name on the dotted line ready to answer the questions that you had studied so hard for. Reading the first question you couldn't help but think to yourself...shit.

----Hours later----

Digging your paddle brush through your (y/hc) locks, you desperately attempted to make it as knot-free as possible. Thankfully for straightening irons, your hair managed to look flawless with a healthy shine. Brushing the final part of your hair, you couldn't help but feel as if someone had been watching you from the second story window where your bedroom had been.

Setting the brush down, you looked out the window into the now dark backyard only to see nothing but shadows from the outdoor furniture and the glare of light from the living room lamps. Deciding to close the curtains, you let them swing and conceal the window hiding your appearance away from anything that might be lurking outside even though you knew no one had been out there. Forks was relatively safe with a low crime rate.

"Bella's here!" your mother called up from the bottom of the stairs just as you heard the loud sound of her truck pulling into your driveway.

Fixing your outfit one final time, you picked up your clutch from the bed and walked out into the hallway.

"Don't you look good!" your mother gushed as you came down the stairs all dressed up ready for your blind date.

"Stooooppppp." you groaned as she managed to embarrass you with her motherly compliment.

Slipping on black flats, you pushed through the front door out onto the porch where the feeling of being watched suddenly hit you again. Casually looking to the side of the yard, you noticed nothing was there again. The feeling was strange but it certainly felt as if you were being watched.

However, you shook off the feeling and walked toward the passenger side of Bella's beat up red truck.

"You look really good." Bella complimented as you entered her vehicle and tightly closed the door allowing her to back out and head down the road.

"Thanks so do you." you told her suddenly feeling a little nervous. "So...what's this guy like?"

"He's really nice. Super gentle and sweet. I think you're really going to like him." she told you with a slight laugh in her voice. "It's alright to be nervous. I'm sure he is too."

"Really? That makes me feel a little better." you told her sinking back into the seat trying to relax your increasingly fast heartbeat.

The ride to a small coffee shop in town had been the longest ride of your life anxiously awaiting the beginning of your date and seeing this mystery man for the first time. It was a little intimidating meeting with a guy who had already seen you once before while you were still in the dark about who he was. Gulping deeply, your hands shook as the coffee shop came into view and the truck found a parking space in the semi empty lot.

"Ready?" Bella asked more excited than you had ever seen her before.

"As ready as I'll ever be." you told her trying your best to give her an honest smile while your inner self wanted desperately to run back home into the safety of your bedroom. Even on your first date with Mike you hadn't felt this nervous.

Letting your feet hit the pavement, you noticed Edward's silver Volvo parked a few spaces away. Realizing that no one had been in the vehicle as you passed it, you assumed they must have already been waiting inside with a table. Thankfully, Bella took the lead into the small shop as you followed closely behind her.

Letting the door close behind you, you immediately saw Edward stand up from a small table as someone on the other side with his back toward you stood as well. As the man turned around, you instantly felt your stomach run its way into your throat. He was easily the most gorgeous man you had ever seen. He easily beat the Cullen family on looks which you hadn't thought possible of anyone.

~~~To be continued~~~

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