Benjamin x Reader P.6

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Benjamin P.O.V

*This is not the same as the previous chapter*

The truck had just left the parking lot and I can already feel myself beginning to lose control. I listened to her sweet voice speak trusting me with stories and anything that she found I was worthy of knowing. Her eyes stayed locked on the road with her fingers gripped tightly around the leather steering wheel. I knew she was trying to be safe with her driving but I so desperately wanted her full attention. 

"Will we be passing  your home?" I asked her with uncontrollable enthusiasm in my voice. I wanted to be in that home with actually be invited inside and not stare at from a distance in the darkness like a creep. 

"Yeah I guess so." she answered quickly. "Why?"

"Do you think..." I hesitated for a moment unsure if I should even finish my sentence. The realization dawned on me that I had literally no idea what I was doing. I wasn't trained for this or coached on what to do.  I could run faster than any vehicle and even lift more than machinery but this was such a strange situation for me. 

"Do I think...?" she spoke up noticing my long than intended pause. Her eyes shot in my direction for a brief moment before returning them to the road. That brief moment was all it took for my confidence to return higher than it had ever been before. 

"Do you think we could stop there?" I managed to ask her hoping for a positive response. I knew we were supposed to be meeting at the Cullen home but I desperately needed to be in her comfort zone just to know if she truly did trust me. And if she did trust me alone with her in a place that she let her guard completely down I would without a doubt know she wanted to be with me just as badly as I fully wanted to be with her. 

"Really?" she asked with a small chuckle in her voice that made my cold heart wanted to melt. "Why do you want to go there?"

"I just would like to see the environment that you live in." I told her silently hoping that the explanation didn't sound as creepy verbally as it did mentally.

I kept my eyes wide red eyes on her watching and examining each muscle movement in her face trying to determine what she was thinking. It was a real shame Edward was the only one given such a useful gift that could avoid potentially bad situations such as this. Her lightly plumped lips tightened together as if she was lost in the deep thought. I wanted so badly to claim those lips and prevent her from hiding them from me. When she released them from their firm position I found my eye sight drifting away from the side of her eyes to her newly released lips.

I can hear her beginning to speak again but my ear wouldn't register the  words. My entire attention had been captivated as her lips moved with each unheard word that left them. I could feel my hands beginning to shake against my control wanting desperately to touch her but knowing I had to keep them to  myself. Watching the small movement of blood in her lips, I instinctively began to lick the inside of my front teeth wondering if that blood tasted as good as it smelled.

Before I even understood what was happening myself, it was too late. I should have delivered my message to the Cullens and went home. Hell, I shouldn't have even came here at all if I truly didn't understand how to control myself around a human that seemed to control my life upon first seeing her.

The side of the road and trees came quickly into view as the old truck smashed against the hard bases and stopped the moving vehicle. I almost couldn't even hear Edward smashing through the front window of the truck as I lost my entire self in a form of heaven that had been taunting me nonstop.

~~~To be continued~~~

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