Benjamin x Reader P.4

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Benjamin P.O.V

I couldn't take my eyes off her as she approached the table and in my direction. Honestly, when I saw her for the first time I didn't think I would actually have the opportunity to approach her or even have her speak with me but luck was most certainly in my favor. A smile forced itself upon my lips as I admired how she dressed herself up just for me. This was an action that I could get used to.

As she finally appeared before me, the strong impulse to touch her in any way possible took over. I found my hand extending in her direction ready to grab anything that I could though her hand had been caught first. Resisting the urge to smell her sweet blood, I kept my senses dulled enough to bring her small and creamy hand to my lips for a kiss though the thoughts appeared to sink my teeth into it. 

She confidently held eye contract with me throughout the action. I knew staring could be considered over the top but I just couldn't help myself. I wanted to look into her (y/eyecolor) eyes for the rest of eternity and have them looking back at me. Another part of me, however, wanted to trap her in my gaze long enough to bite into her making her just like me but I knew I just couldn't steal her life away unwanted.

As I started to lose myself, thankfully Edward managed to grab onto the collar of my shirt pulling my away from a potentially dangerous situation. It was important to stay undetected especially in a small town like Forks and I was surely blowing my cover. 

Reluctantly, I let go of her hand knowing that at this moment I couldn't hold on to it for longer than necessary. The only thing keeping me sane at this point is knowing the time will come that I can hold her until the end of time. Despite my disappointment in letting her go, I couldn't help but chuckle along with Edward as he seemed to realize how much I was struggling with a creature that I could so easily kill.

"Have a seat." I offered to her pulling out the wooden chair from against the table. "I'm sure you're tired of standing on your delicate feet." I desperately tried to keep my eye contact at an appropriate level though I did want to look down and admire her small feet. I truly never wanted her to have to walk on them again.

"Thank you." she responded in a sweet tone that almost made me jump her on the spot. If it wasn't for Edward keeping tabs on me who knows what would have happened by this point in the date. He had just made it look so easy to be with a human that I completely underestimated how difficult it really was. 

My lips formed into another smile when I saw a small one grace her lips. She seemed to already be enjoying herself and that made my cold heart sore out of my stone chest. Her reactions brought me more joy than what I had originally thought possible. 

"What can I get for you?" I asked her remembering that humans were different from us. They needs to eat and drink to stay alive and surely she needed some kind of nourishment to feel good. Before I had a chance to control myself, I grabbed her hand again as careful as possible hoping not to crush the bones in it. She had no idea what I was capable over and just how hard I was trying to control myself. "Are you thirsty or hungry? Cold? Please tell."  I almost begged hoping she would trust me with keeping her satisfied. 

"Oh I'm okay for right now." she responded chuckling a bit nervously.  Her reaction suddenly made me panic. Maybe she didn't trust me or want me touching her? Maybe there was another man who was in charge of those things and I was overstepping my boundaries?

"Don't hesitate to tell me when you decide." I urged her hoping she would change her mind and let me care for her. I know I shouldn't push her but I just couldn't help myself. 

"She's alright, Benjamin." Edward spoke up breaking me from my rushing thoughts that were jumping from one unreasonable assumption to the next. "(Y/n) is a pretty independent girl." 

"Really?" I asked trying to hide the shock in my voice. "Why is that?" 

"W-why am I independent?" she asked confused by my question. I couldn't read her expression easily but I had to know what the answer was despite what she was feeling inside. 

"Yes." I urged with a little more force than I'd like to admit.

"Well...I really don't know." she answered with a small laugh in her voice. I could listen to that laugh for the rest of eternity and never tire of hearing it. "I guess with my parents working so much and never really dating anyone I've always just been left to fend for myself." 

Her response shocked me in a way that I had never been shocked before. I felt alone as well and I wish more than anything that she didn't feel the same emptiness that I had been feeling for so many years. My mood rapidly declined with her confession but I knew I had to do something to make her happy and fill the empty void inside of her. 

"You will never have to be independent with me." I promised her in a firm voice letting her know that I had meant what I said. After a confession like that I knew I would never be able to return to my home and just leave her alone to fend for herself. No. I had to stay and be with her always and there was no changing my mind. 

"I..." she tried to say before I so rudely interrupted her knowing I had to speak first before she responded. 

"You don't need to respond to that." I told her smiling the most comforting smile I could manage to form. "You're perfectly pink cheeks has said it all." 

While a verbal answer would have been nice, watching as the perfect blood rushed to her soft cheeks almost threw my over the edge. This was it as I couldn't seem to control myself any longer. I knew what I had to do despite my brain screaming at me to stop. I drew closer to her licking my teeth within my mouth as they screamed for some action. 

"Hey guys..." I heard Bella speak up breaking my concentration good enough so I could regain my composure. "Why don't we go back to Edward's house and I don't know hang out instead?"

"Oh okay." my new lover answered turning her attention away from me and back toward her friend. She seemed happy with that suggestion so I will be happy as well.

"Yes that's perfect." I answered hiding my slight disappointment that I hadn't claimed my mate yet. Standing from my chair I quickly positioned myself for her aid. Pulling her chair away from the table, I reached my hand toward her to help her stand on her feet once again. Excitement covered my body as she so easily accepted it. Without hesitation, I re-positioned her hand on my arm to bring her closer to my body to keep her safe.

~~~To be continued~~~

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