Benjamin x Reader - P.8

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"Benjamin" you managed to speak again this time with more struggle as your senses started to come back to life. 

With each passing moment, you started to notice the intense burn building in your throat as if someone had dropped a match down your mouth followed by a gallon of gasoline. Your ears perked up listening to the birds in the distance flapping their winds and the deer among the trees stepping on delicate twigs snapping them gently under their weight. With each new sound, your attention would dart trying to examine each noise thoroughly only to be distracted when another activity would occur.

"(Y/n)?" Benjamin's voice rung again managing to pull your full attention once again. "How do you feel?" 

His question sounded confusing though in reality it was so simple. You felt like your body had been engulfed in flames but at the same time you had never felt more alive. 

Finally your eyes relieved themselves of heaviness as they slowly opened to be staring at a white ceiling with delicate swirls of paint. Your vision for a few moments had been blurred as they readjusted to the surroundings and bright lights from the different lamps in the room.

Within moments, your vision straightened out and you suddenly realized that it was like you were seeing for the first time. Your eyes snapped toward the ceiling fan turning rapidly producing a gentle breeze in the room but all you could focus on had been the small amount of dust accumulating on the fan blades as they spun. 

"Please, (y/n), answer me." Benjamin's voice begged though you were too busy looking around the ceiling noticing small touches of un-evenness in the paint that seemed to drive you insane. 

However, your vision of the ceiling vanished as Benjamin's face came into view signaling that he was leaning over the table you had been laying on to investigate better.

His eyes dug into you as yours scanned his face wildly taking in features that you had never noticed before. A wrinkles couldn't be seen across his flawless skin. Each pore had been microscopic and tight leaving a smooth finish on his face. His lips were even smoother than you had remembered the first time you had examined them. No signs of dryness could be seen as they looked so moist and inviting.

You opened your mouth attempting to finally answer the question he had already twice asked you. Though, when you tried to form words the intense burning in your throat preventing any further noises to be made.

"I think shes hungry." a random voice called out from the left back corner of the room strategically out of your sight. 

Confusion swept your mind at the mention of you being hungry. Your stomach hadn't rumbled or cramped up trying to tell you it needed food. If anything you felt more thirsty than hungry. Though even water didn't sound good. Instead you craved something unfamiliar that you couldn't quite put your finger on.

"Carlisle, do you have anything she can have?" Benjamin asked not taking his eyes off of you even to ask a question to someone else in the room.

"Yes out in the garage. I'll be right back." Carlisle promised rushing out of the room as your ears perked up again to listen to his footsteps the entire way to the garage moving at a rapid pace. 

You listened as he dug around in the garage far from the room while keeping your eyes locked on Benjamin finally examining the color of them. 


The were almost a dark red. Something that looked like contacts but blended so well with his skin color only enhancing the beauty of them.

You were ready to try and speak again only to be interrupted by the sound of running footsteps heading toward the room you were laying in. Suddenly, the familiar doctor came into view handing Benjamin a cup with a straw conveniently placed in the lid. 

Carlisle swiftly moved toward you heard and dug his hands underneath your upper body helping you sit up. You have expected to feel dizziness from laying down for so long staring at the ceiling however you felt normal even lighter than you had ever felt before. 

"Here drink this..." Benjamin said with some firmness in his voice letting you know he was serious. 

Continuing to hold the cup in his hand, he brought the straw close to your lips allowing you to insert the tip into your mouth. Without any hesitation, you began to suck the liquid through the straw into your mouth. Surprise consumed you as you had expected water to be in the cup. But instead it was a thick strange substance that tasted much better than water, soda, or any fruit juice that you had ever tasted.

"That's a good girl." Benjamin said softly with relief in his voice as you continued to drink the soothing liquid putting out the flames in your throat. "Tastes good doesn't it?"

You should your head in response finding it near impossible to take the straw out of your mouth even for a second even to answer his question. The liquid was addicting as it coated your throat bringing you relief and a warm feeling of content-ness as Benjamin looked on in awe clearly proud of what he was witnessing.

~~~To be continued~~~

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