Rami Malek x Reader - P.4

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A series of text messages had been sent back and forth since Rami had first reached out to you. Small talk had been dominating the majority of the conversation. He had commented the he had been a fan of your videos and what he liked about you. You had told him about the films and series he had been in and how The Pacific broke your heart. The conversation had been comfortable up until this point. As you sit on your hardwood floor staring at the words that had been sent to you. 

He wanted to meet you in person. He had said he wasn't big into social media or texting which led him to wanting to meet face to face. Your fingers hovered over where the keyboard had been waiting to type the reply. You did really want to meet him and you knew you couldn't have a good relationship or even a friendship with him without ever actually seeing him in person. 

Just as fast as you were able to reply that you would be happy to meet him, he had suggest seeing a late night movie together when the theater wouldn't be packed and prying eyes wouldn't be around. He was a private person and seemed to want to keep his personal relationships that same way. As you agreed, he set up the time and place for tomorrow night at the ArcLight cinemas that sat on Sunset Boulevard. 

As he said his goodnight, your quickly exited out of the messaging app and brought up your contacts on your phone pushing "Zoe" allowing the familiar ringing noise to start.

"Hello?" she answered in her usual cheery tone. "I hope you have some good news for me."

"I'm meeting him tomorrow night." you quickly said before biting your lower lip to keep your excitement under control. 

"What!" she yelled into the phone clearly happy with the news you had just delivered to her. "Tomorrow night! Wow that happened so quickly."

"I know. He just came out of nowhere and said he wanted to meet up and see a movie." you told her. "So I said sure. Do you think this is considered a dated?" 

"Of course!" she quickly responded with confidence. "He didn't just ask to meet up so you both can go hang out as friends."

"Really? I just don't want to assume..." you told her starting to feel down on yourself that you may have been reading too much into something that didn't even exist. 

"There's no assuming, (y/n)." Zoe reassured you. "That is fact. He went and got your attention tonight because he's interested. Whether you and to admit it or not."

You took in her words trying to make sense of what was happening. She was right, Rami just wouldn't randomly want to hang out if he didn't have some kind of romantic intention in mind. He was young, extremely good looking, and successful. He could literally have any girl that he wanted and he seemed to chose you out of the thousands of girls who tried to get his attention every single day. 

"Yeah you're right." you responded sounding a bit more confident than before. "Of course he's interested in me. I have a great career and I'm pretty decent looking..."

"You're absolutely gorgeous." she interrupted. "If I were a man I would be all of you in a second."

Silence had taken over for a few moments before you both began to laugh at her strange confession. As you said your goodbyes, you hung up the phone and plugged it into the charger beside your bed. Tomorrow would be a long and stressful day and you really needed your sleep.

~~~The next night~~~

You raced around your apartment with a toothbrush hanging in your mouth as you put the final pieces of your outfit together. You would be meeting Rami soon for the first time and your life had totally erupted into chaos preparing for it. 

You had decided to keep your hair down but slightly pushed out of your face neatly. Your skirt hung loosely just an inch or to above your knees. Your crop-top had been positioned perfectly on your body covered by a black form fitting jacket to keep you warm from the night air. 

Removing the tooth brush from your mouth, you stared at yourself in the mirror criticizing everything about the outfit you were wearing and the makeup you had on. However, it was too late for you to make changes as you rushed toward the front door slipping on your flats and heading out toward the parking garage where your car had been waiting for you.

Sitting back against the leather seat, you began to take deep breaths as you pulled the car away from it's spot and onto the road outside of the garage. The streets had been lit up by the streetlights revealing some people walking in an out of various bars or restaurants that had been crowded together. The streets were normally a lot busier so you understood why Rami wanted to meet at this time of the night when the crowds weren't as thick. 

An open spot right near the theater had been opening allowing you to safely park your car. Checking your image one last time in the front mirror, you exited the car and began walking toward the front of the theater that had been lit up just as brightly as Las Vegas with a few box office workers waiting for someone to purchase a ticket. 

As you walked up onto the side walk, you heard a voice that you had only heard before on television.

"Hello, (y/n)." that deep voice said making you turn toward the direction it had been coming from. 

Standing near you had been Rami walking from the side of the building with a hood over his head surely trying to hide his identity from passing strangers. He wore a bright smile as he came close to where you were standing.

"Hey, Rami." you greeted back as cool as possible even though you wanted to scream from how insanely good looking he was in person.

~~~To be continued~~~

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