Benjamin x Reader P.9

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Removing the straw from your mouth, you enjoyed the last few moments of the thick liquid dripping down your throat relieving the last of the intense burning. Shifting your eyes toward Benjamin's you swallowed hard. 

"What's happening?" you asked not recognizing the sound of your own voice. It wasn't nearly as loud as you had always remembered it being. Instead, it was soft and airy flowing through the room like a gentle breeze gracing any ear that could pick up the sound.

"I..I did something...maybe..." Benjamin began stumbling over his own words trying to find the right thing to say.

"Was there an accident?" you asked still startled as your voice echoed in the room.

"Well..." he shifted his eyes to the ground unsure of what to do. Though before he could speak again, Edward came into view looking somewhat relieved.

"I can explain if that makes it easier for you." he told Benjamin giving him a pat on the shoulder much to Benjamin's surprise. 

Taking Edward up on his offer, he moved aside slightly allowing Edward to come closer to the bed as he leaned forward slightly locking his golden eyes with yours.

"I don't want you to panic but this is going to sound...unbelievable." he started in a soft tone obviously trying to keep you calm. "That liquid you just ease your throat...that was blood."

Your body tensed immediately creating a tense atmosphere in the once calm room. Edward's siblings standing against the walls looked a bit afraid but ready for some sort of danger that you couldn't quite figure out.

"You see my family, myself,....and Benjamin." he breathed out. "We are...vampires."

"I'm sorry." you sudden spoke up. "Did you say vampires?" 

"That's right. Benjamin lost control in the truck and bit you. He took some blood out of your body but managed to pull himself away." he answered still leaning forward. "That's why you're feeling a lot different right now. Your senses are heightened and that burning in your throat was from you being thirsty for blood."

"But we don't attack innocent people." Dr. Carlisle came into view stepping in for his son. "We hunt animals. We have sort of a...vegetarian diet."

Edward and his father smiled at each other though you were still completely in shock over the impossible news that you were currently being told. Trying to gather your thoughts, you managed to calm yourself down.

"What happens now?" you asked as an awkward silence filled the room before Benjamin stepped forward again.

"You can't go home." he stated looking extremely guilty. "You're not going to age anymore. You will look like this forever."

"Where do I go? If I can't go home? I don't want to be homeless." you began to panic before Benjamin gently grabbed your hand with his trying to relax you again.

"I will never let you be homeless." he promised in a serious tone. 

"You are more than welcome to stay with us." Edward's mother spoke up with some excitement in her voice. "We have a spare room for you to stay in for however long you like."

"Don't leave me." you told Benjamin locking eyes with him feeling closer to him in the moment than to anyone else you had ever met. 

"Never." he responded still keeping a light hold on your hand careful to wrap his fingers with yours as if he had been afraid of something.

"Don't close your grip on his hand, (y/n)." Dr. Carlisle commented quickly noticing your twitching fingers.

"Why not?" you asked confused wanting to hold on tightly to Benjamin to help control the range of different emotions that came with the extreme news.

"You're a lot stronger than we are." he told you in a typical doctor tone as if you were his patient. "You could easily crush his hand with your grip and I'm sure that's the last thing you want to do."

Quickly pulling your hand from his, you pulling it to your chest folding your arms tightly afraid of just how strong you currently were. His news managed to explain why Edward's siblings had been in a guarded positioned as you were dangerous and posed a threat to them.

"I don't want to hurt anymore I promise." you spoke quickly keeping a tight grip on your folded arms. 

"I know you would never hurt me." Benjamin spoke up reaching his tanned hand out again and gently placing it on your arm giving it a small rub. "I'm not afraid. Take me hand."

Hesitating for a brief moment you slowly undid your arms and reached to grab Benjamin's soft hand that had eagerly been awaiting yours. Carefully, your fingers intertwined with his as he did the same keeping a tight grip on your hand making it impossible to be separated by a third party.

"I'm going to help you through this." he softly said. "And I'm never leaving you. No matter what."

~~~To be continued~~~

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