Rami Malek x Reader - P.3

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Rami P.O.V

as requested


Propped up in a hotel bed with only the nightstand lamp for light, I looked over at the cheap alarm clock and noticed I've been sitting on YouTube for over two hours. I'm supposed to be asleep, resting up for the long day of interviews for Mr. Robot tomorrow but I literally cannot seem to stop watching these videos. She's been making YouTube videos for a while and I'm seriously just now discovering her.

"Thanks for watching! I love you all." she kissed the palms of her hands and extended them toward the camera. 

I couldn't help but smile to myself as the next video automatically started to play. Even in the morning when she vlogged with no make-up on I couldn't manage to move my eyes from that perfect innocent face.

I twisted in the bed unable to lay still any longer. I needed to get into contact with her even just for a simple Hello. Scrolling down into the description box her twitter handle had been typed out for any fans to follow her. This was my only chance to reach out. 

As much as I hated to cease her voice, I clicked out of the YouTube app in favor of the twitter one. Typing her name into the search bar, her picture appeared with the blue check mark separating her from the many fake accounts that popped up as well. She had a lot of followers...maybe too many to get through with my tweet but I just had to do something. 

Gathering up my courage, I began to type to her silently hoping this tweet would get lost in the crowd of the many people who constantly sent her tweets about irrelevant things.

I'm Obsessed with (yourYouTubechannelname). Seriously can't take my eyes off her.

My finger hovered over the send button letting my nerves get the best of me. She's a bit younger than me from her profile description...maybe she'll think I'm some weird old man?

I held my breathe and made my finger tap the button sending the tweet to a girl I've been cyber stalking for over two hours who knew nothing about me. But in that moment I decided if I was going to be creeping on her...I would take it one step further. My finger quickly tapped the follow button immediately catching up with the tweet. 

Suddenly, my notifications began to blow up more than usual. Tapping on the growing number to examine what people were saying to me, I quickly realized an army of her fans who also stalked her profile wasted no time freaking out over my simple tweet. With so many people so quickly tagging up both in their own tweets, I knew instantly there was no way she would be able to miss my tweet.

My toes curled under the thin hotel sheets starting to feel anxious and unsure wondering why she hasn't responded yet. I know I just tweeted only a few minutes ago but waiting was torture. Though when the familiar profile popped up on my own notifications, I instantly held my breath re-reading the new tweet quickly over and over again taking in and analyzing every word.

I'm glad you enjoy the videos. Can't take my eyes off you either. xx

I couldn't stop myself from widely smiling at my phone screen. I'm sure if anyone could see me right now half covered with a thin hotel sheet, no shirt, and a crazy wide smile staring at my phone they would think I was crazy. And they would definitely be right.

Another notifcation popped up alerting me that she had followed my account as well. This was perfect. No was the opportunity to DM her. Surely, she wants to keep speaking if she followed me. Right? I'm going for it. No turning back now.

I went back to her profile, tapping on her message button. The familiar screen popped up allowing me to type a message that the thousands of prying eyes wouldn't be able to see.

Hey. You should text me sometime? My number is 213-725-5387.

I sent the message quickly before I even had a chance to think twice about it. This was a long shot and honestly I wasn't quite expecting much. Why would she even bother to text me? I've probably freaked her out already with my forwardness.

But suddenly, a text bar came down from the top of the phone from a number not in my contacts.

Hey this is (y/n). :)

My heart pounded in my chest as I leaned up in bed re-reading the text message again. She had to be interested in me if she was willing to text me. Plus she texted so quickly after I had sent that DM. That means something positive right? Damn it. I need to quit second guessing myself and just act cool. 

~~~To be continued~~~

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