Rami Malek x Reader - P.1

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"Thanks for watching!" you happily greeted toward your Nikon camera that sat perfectly on the tripod in front of you. 

Sighing from relief, you stood from your spot on the floor and stepped over the bottles of lotion and perfume that you were showing your viewers for your November Favorites video. Turning the camera off, you gently removed it from its position and set it down on the desk in the corner of the room for editing later on that night. 

Trying to film at least two videos of day for your YouTube channel managed to stress you out but at the same time excite you beyond belief. This has originally just been a hobby to do in your free time but with almost 10 million followers, it became more of a job. 

Your apartment was quiet like always. The sound of the fish tank filter ran softly in the kitchen creating a peaceful atmosphere. While you preferred to have the television running for background noise, you knew it would be hard for the viewers to hear while you vlogged. 

It was already 9:00 p.m. and the sun had gone down long ago. Laying down on your off white couch, you kicked your cozy socks off and stretched your body across the cushions to relax your back from sitting on the ground for over an hour filming. Swiping across the screen on your IPhone 6/ Droid S6 (Note: I know there are die hard phone fans out there so pick your phone.) you immediately tapped the Twitter app ready to tweet your viewers and secretly stalk them. 

Tapping on your notifications, you noticed something different. Normally people would tweet you commenting on the current video, or calling your mom, or sending some strange sexual death threat. But this time your notifications were filled with something different. 

Tweet after tweet each person brought up the name Rami Malek and making cute comments with your name attached. 

"What the hell?" you said out loud scrolling through the hundreds of tweets all talking about the same guy. 

Deciding to hit his name on one of the tweets that tagged his twitter account as well, you saw something completely shocking.

@ ItsRamiMalek  Follows you.

Rami Malek  Nov 28
I'm obsessed with (yourYouTubechannelname). Seriously can't take my eyes off her.

Re-reading the tweet over and over again to make sure you were reading it correctly, you felt your heart begin to race in your chest. The actor from Pacific, Night at the Museum, and Mr. Robot actually watched your videos and liked them enough to tweet about it. And it seemed not only did he enjoy your content on the channel, but you as a person as you re-read that he couldn't take his eyes off of you.

Debating back and forth whether or not to tweet him back, you gathered any ounce of courage in your body and decided to reply.

(Y/N) Nov 28

I'm glad you enjoy the videos. Can't take my eyes off you either. xx

Scanning over your tweet nerves took over your body as your finger hovered off the blue Tweet button. You knew that this would be a game changing tweet that would get all over your followers talking and attention from probably E! News. Holding your breath, you quickly tapped the Tweet button before a second thought could float through your head. 

Within moments, over 3,000 people Favorited the tweet and over 2,000 people re-tweeted it. There was absolutely no way he wouldn't see it now.

~~~To be continued~~~

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