Benjamin x Reader - P.11

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Hours had passed since you had decided to try and rest though your body never fell into a slumber that you so desperately wanted. Your eyes remained the same even though they should have been burning with exhaustion by now. Your muscles remained relaxed and your senses still picked up on things happening even a mile away. 

Benjamin, fortunately, kept his promise and had remained by your side for the countless hours that you had been laying in silence. He held on to you tightly never moving even slightly or even speaking. His body had still been cold despite pressing against your body that should have created heat. His muscles hard though relaxed just the same as yours were. 

Finally, you sighed deeply realizing that just laying here with only your thoughts to entertain you couldn't have been healthy. 

"Are you alright?" Benjamin spoke up for the first time sounding like his usual self. His head tilted slightly to get a better view of the muscles on the side of your face to try and read your expressions. 

"I'm just feeling restless." you told him almost immediately. "I'm sure you understand."

Benjamin let out a small chuckle signaling that he indeed understood. He had been in this position for much longer and surely he was more experienced. 

"I remember very well when I turned." he began softly. "I really didn't know what to do with myself. In fact, after a few days I seriously considered killing myself until I found some sort of relief."

"What relief did you find?" you asked him curiously listening to his words.

"Well I could tell you...but I think showing you would be more effective." he answered releasing the grip he had from your body and rolling off of the table that you both had been laying on. "Come with me."

Getting up from your spot, your muscles didn't ache and you didn't need to stretch. The feeling of always feeling perfect had been strange but something you could surely get used to. 

"Where are we going?" you asked him slightly confused at his new excitement. 

"Hop on." he told you ignoring your question. 

Getting down on one knee, Benjamin exposed his back to you wanted you to hop onto him just as your parents did for you many years ago. 

"Um. I'm pretty heavy..." you began to say feeling slightly embarrassed at the idea of a boy carrying you like that. 

"Trust me I'll be able to carry you." Benjamin responded with a slight laugh in his voice clearly finding your worry funny but adorable.  

Your body hesitated for a moment looking anxiously at his waiting body for you to climb on. Taking another deep breath, you managed to push yourself forward and leaned carefully onto him relaxing against his heavily muscled back. His hands gripped tightly on your thighs are your arms wrapped around his neck for support. Getting back on his feet, Benjamin stood perfectly fine as if you hadn't been on his back at all. 

"Are you okay?" you rapidly asked him. "Am I heavy? You can put me down if you have to."

"(Y/n), it's alright I promise you." he reassured you. "Trust me. There isn't anything in this world that would make me put you down."

You couldn't find any words to respond with as a new silence filled the room. Benjamin walked toward the large windows in the room still holding tightly to your thighs keeping you in place. His foot pushed out in front of him, making the glass open under the pressure revealing the darkness of the night and the cool breeze that had been slightly moving the leaves. 

"Hold on tight okay?" he told you with that familiar laughter in his voice. 

"Okay." you responded just as Benjamin stepped forward into the open air leaving the comfort of the room and the floor beneath his feet. 

You closed your eyes tightly and sucked in the air around you feeling the same rush as going down a hill on a roller coaster. With the thought of the ground rushing quickly toward your body, you wanted to scream or make any kind of noise to symbolize the fear that had been coursing through your body. However, before you would able to act on your emotions, Benjamin's feet hit the ground gently as he took off faster than a moving vehicle into the woods.

The trees passed in a blur as you opened your eyes to take in exactly what was happening. The wind rushed through your hair and managed to push a smile onto your face.

"Oh my god." you said out loud starting to feel excited at the events unfolding. A new rush took over your body as you watched in front of you toward where Benjamin had been heading.

"It's amazing right?" he asked wearing a smile of his own happy that you were enjoying yourself. 

You didn't think to answer him as your senses picked up heavily on what was happening all around you. The sound of small twigs snapping in different directions would catch your attention along with the soft rustling of leaves in the trees or bushes below. 

Finally, despite all that was happening, your smile had been real as you were beginning to experience all that you were now capable of. 

~~~To be continued~~~

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