Benjamin x Reader - P.10

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When Dr. Carlisle felt that it was "safe" enough to leave you and Benjamin alone together, he ushered his wife and children out of the room leaving the two of you alone. Your mind still swirled from the news and the amplified sounds that kept catching your attention. Despite being in car accident leaving a totaled truck in the aftermath, your body felt great with not one ounce of pain to be found. 

"How are you feeling?" Benjamin asked anxiously giving your hand that he still had in his grip a gentle squeeze. "Are you uncomfortable? I can get more blood if you need it."

"No I'm fine." you answered to the best of your ability though you were clearly struggling with everything that was happening. You wanted to take a nap and forget about life for awhile but your body didn't feel tired at all and your eyes were wide as if you have just gotten a full eight hours of sleep. "I really want to take a nap." you told him suddenly.

"You can try to but your body doesn't require sleep anymore." he spoke gently careful with his wording hoping not to frighten or stress you any more than necessary. 

"You can hang out with the rest of the Cullens for awhile if you want to." you told him still not used to the new sound of your voice. "I'm going to try and sleep."

"I can see them anytime. I'm not leaving your side." he responded still holding tightly onto your hand though as you felt his fingers grip tighter the feeling didn't change as it felt like he was barely holding on.

"A-are you sure? I mean it's going to be pretty boring..." you told him not wanting him to feel guilty or obligated to stay. 

"I'm positive. I'll just sit here and watch." he smiled with his eyes still wide with amazement as he watched you and your movements. 

Letting go of your hand, he waited until you were comfortable laying down before placing a hand on your thigh gently rubbing the area to try and bring you comfort. Folding your hands under the side of your head, you closed your eyes and just stared into the darkness of your eyelids. Normally, it didn't take so long before falling asleep once you closed your eyes but as the minutes passed with complete silence you still didn't feel tired at all. 

Benjamin's gentle touch still remained present on your surprisingly cold skin. The feeling of his hand didn't warm you up at all but remained just as cool since before he started. You couldn't help but smile to yourself thinking of Benjamin and how he was acting toward you. Technically speaking, this entire thing was he fault but his reasoning for attacking you seemed to make the whole thing blow over just into acceptance. He had been a perfect gentleman on your date with him when you first met him and even know he has taken full responsibility for caring for you even though he could have just ran away and avoided you for the rest of his life. 

"Benjamin..." you spoke up suddenly breaking the silence. 

"Yes, dear?" he answered softly giving you his full attention yet again. 

"Will you hold me?" you asked him not caring about your bluntness. All you knew at this moment was that you needed the comfort of his arms around you. 

"Of course." he answered simply with a bit of surprise in his voice. 

Quickly, he moved to the other side of the area where you had been laying and managed to squeeze him beside you. Without hesitation, he wrapped both of his arms around your waist pulling you close to his rock hard body and holding on to you tightly. 

"Everything's going to be okay I promise." he whispered into the back of your head keeping his extreme grip on your waist. 

"I's just a lot to take in right now." you answered closing your eyes again to continue to stare at the darkness.

"We'll we have forever now to get used to it." he smiled burying his face close to you  managing to rest against your body as well.

~~~To be continued~~~

Rami Malek Characters x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin