Benjamin x Reader P.3

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Reader P.O.V

Approaching the table, you felt your heart racing as your blind date extended his soft looking hand in your direction. Managing to give him a small smile, you brought your hand to his expecting a friendly hand shake but were completely caught off guard. Instead of a familiar pleasantry, you watched as he took your hand gently in his, brought it to his lips, and placed a gentle kiss against your skin. 

His eye contact never broke yours as you desperately tried to keep yourself under control and prevent your cheeks from flaring up letting him know of your slight embarrassment.  

Your eyes remained locked with his as you felt like you had been in a trance though you were still able to notice that something was off about him. His eyes appeared to be a different color that you had never seen on anyone else before. But as you were about to get a better look, Edward grabbed onto his collar and yanked him back stopping you from investigating further. 

Letting your hand drop, Edward chuckled as your date did the same. 

"Here have a seat." he offered straightening himself up and pulling your chair out for you. "I'm sure you're tired of standing on your delicate feet." 

"Thank you" you said as sweetly as possible taking a seat in the wood chair though you thought his comment about delicate feet had been a little strange. Shaking the thought from your head you heard Edward chuckle a bit as he took his own seat.

You couldn't help but smile to yourself noticing how much fun Edward seemed to be having base solely by the expression on his face. This was the most interaction you had ever had with him though you knew he was normally quiet and pretty serious during class. 

Not even a few moments after taking your seat and pushing the chair against the table, you felt Benjamin take your hand into his surprisingly freezing one. For only knowing each other for a few minutes and being on a blind date he sure was moving rather quickly. Of course, though, you couldn't complain only because you were being a bit shallow and losing yourself to his extreme good looks. While you didn't consider yourself ugly by any means it was hard to believe someone of movie star status seemed to be interested in someone whom you considered...average. 

"What can I get for you?" he eagerly asked keeping his hold on your hand delicately. So delicate that he appeared almost afraid he would break it as if it were made of porcelain. "Are you thirsty or hungry? Cold? Please tell?" 

"Oh I'm okay for right now." you assured him lightly chuckling partly from nervousness. 

"Don't hesitate to tell me when you decide." he urged bringing his face closer to yours. 

He was extremely attentive and ready to please which managed to catch you off guard. He was significantly different from the boys at school by more than just looks. In fact, he was significantly different from the grown men around town that you had interacted with throughout the years. He almost didn't seem real by his perfection of traits maybe more of something like out of a movie. 

"She's alright, Benjamin." Edward spoke up trying to reassure your date as well. "(Y/n) is a pretty independent girl."

"Really?" he asked somewhat surprised which would have annoyed you if it had been any other guy but he was cute with his reaction. "Why is that?"

"W-why am I independent?" you asked him a bit confused by what he meant. 

"Yes." he pressed on. 

"Well...I really don't know." you replied with a half laugh. "I guess with my parents working so much and never really dating anyone I've always just been left to fend for myself."

It was weird saying something like that out loud especially to someone you had just met. However, at the same time it felt freeing to be so honest and finally admit how strong you were forced to become from unintentional neglect. Benjamin's face though didn't look at relieved at you felt. 

"You will never have to be independent with me." he seemed more serious with his firm words. "I'm here now to be with you."

His words made your heart pound hard and fast. For that moment everyone around seemed to disappear leaving just you and Benjamin alone. It was such a strange thing that he had said that could have easily been considered creepy but with him it was different. Different like he had meant it and not just said something sweet to get into your pants later. He seemed to be extremely passionate and willing to please as if every ounce of his well being depended on it. This man was new to you but it was possible that he had experienced love at first sight if that truly was such a thing. 

"I..." you began to say before he had interrupted you.

"You don't need to respond to that." he spoke up flashing a bright and warm smile that instantly calmed any nerves that you were experiencing. "You're perfectly pink cheeks has said it all."

Instantly feeling more embarrassed that he had commented on your increasingly red cheeks, you attempted to cover your face with your free hand only to be stopped. Benjamin so quickly caught your moving hand with his free one and held it delicately yet firmly enough to stop it's movement. 

"Don't hide yourself." he told you softly. "I enjoy seeing your sweet reactions." 

With both of your warm hands in his cold ones you locked eyes with his once again this time getting a better look at their odd color. They were almost like a dark red but surely that couldn't be possible. The mystery rose again that his eyes weren't a dark brown as you assumed that they would be. 

"Hey guys..." Bella spoke up louder than she usual speaks breaking your concentration from Benjamin. "Why don't we go back to Edward's house and I don't know hang out instead?"

"Oh Okay." you answered open to her suggestion. She looked a little uncomfortable and uneasy with her words like she had been worried about something. 

"Yes that's perfect." Benjamin agreed finally letting go of your hands. He stood from his chair and quickly came behind you pulling yours away from the table enough for you to stand. Before you could get up from your chair, he offered his hand to you as you gladly took it helping you off the chair and back onto your feet. 

As Edward and Bella walked from the table and toward the door, Benjamin moved your hand to grab onto his arm enough to keep you in a secure place by his side. 

~~~To be continued~~~

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