Benjamin x Reader P.5

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Reader P.O.V

Walking out of the building with your arm firmly between Benjamin's and his side gave you an overwhelming sense of security. You knew he was just an average man and it was silly to feel this way about someone whom you had just met but your feelings managed to run wild despite your resistance. His body stood just a few inches taller than your own with his skin tone easily standing out against yours. You couldn't help but produce a silent dreamy sigh as you let what felt like total bliss overcome you. 

"Hey do you want to drive my truck back to Edward's?" Bella asked breaking your dream like state once you all had made it into the parking lot. "I was going to ride with Edward and you can take Benjamin back?"

"Uh okay." you agreed a little taken back at the new arrangement. You weren't afraid to be alone with him for a period of time but you didn't want to appear awkward or uninteresting if you couldn't think of something to say.

Bella attempted to toss you her keys which began to spiral when they hit open air. She never was gifted in sports and the attempt to throw her keys had once again proved it. Suddenly, Benjamin's free hand shot forward at an unbelievable speed and caught the keys as they approached your body.

"Wow that was good catch." you complimented in shock trying to process what had just happened. It wasn't possible for someone to move so quickly no matter what the situation. It truly appeared as if he could catch a bullet if he wanted to.

"Thank you." Benjamin chuckled clearly at your surprised reaction. "I had good incentive to catch those."

You felt your cheeks heat up again at his assumption that he caught the keys so effortlessly because they were hiding straight for you. Thankfully, he had let go of your arm at the driver's door of Bella's beat down truck. 

You watched as he slowly opened the door as if he was afraid something might happen to it if he weren't as gentle as possible. Moving aside, he swung his arm in a motion toward the seat. Flashing him a smile, you walked past his body and felt as his hand placed itself on your back helping you into the seat. 

Benjamin, without hesitation, grabbed the seat belt and reached it across your body locking it securely where it needed to be so that it was tight across your chest. Feeling satisfied with the belt, he gently closed the door and you watched as well walked in front of the truck toward the passengers side with his head down staring at the pavement like he was lost in thought. 

Hearing the sound of the old door opening, you looked in his direction and watched as he brought his body inside and didn't both to use the seat belt as he had put so quickly on you. Not being one to mother people, you decided not to say anything and let the man run his own life even though you heard the responsible voice in your head screaming for him to put it on.

It took a few tries to get the old beat down truck to start but you silently cheered when it did. You couldn't help but wonder if Bella had the same struggle every morning on her way to school. Shifting the gears, you pressed the gas pedal and followed behind Edward who was patiently waiting at the end of the parking lot for you to catch up. Having never been to the Cullen home before you were thankful to be following him knowing full well directions alone would get you lost. 

Finally feeling the wheels hit the familiar road, you felt more at ease behind the well of an unfamiliar vehicle.

"You're a very good driver." Benjamin spoke up surprising you with his words.

"Really?" you chuckled thankful for his compliment even if he didn't actually mean it. "All my friends always joke up how I'm a stereotypical woman driver." 

"What does that mean?" he asked with curiosity as you remembered he wasn't from around hear so certain things wouldn't make sense to him.

"People always joke that women and Asians are terrible drivers. Like they get into accidents all the time and can't keep up with the speed limit." You explained while he listened like you were saying the most interesting thing he had ever heard. "Apparently only white men know how to drive properly."

Benjamin seemed to enjoy your explanation as he let out the most perfect laugh that you had ever heard. It almost sounded like church bells ringing during a breezy Sunday afternoon. With his laugh, your heart jumped into your throat making you more nervous than you had ever been in your entire laugh. Suddenly you found yourself wanting to be back in accounting class struggling to get a D for the semester. 

"I've never heard that before." he spoke up. "Though I bet you're better at everything."

While you appreciated his compliments you silently wished he would act like a normal guy from your high school and talk about cars or football or something along those lines. Instead he acted like the perfect date showering you with attention as he turned his body in the seat to stare at you while you desperately tried to ignore the feeling of his eyes burning into the side of your head.

"Just wait I'm pretty clumsy at about everything." you joked back trying to be modest though it appeared he wasn't having any of it.

~~~To be continued~~~

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