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'Can you keep it a secret?' I asked Anakin, after we left the training room. His eyes filled with worry.

'Why? Whats happening to you? Are you ill?'

'I just don't want Obi-wan to worry, that's all! It was not a big deal!'

'I wouldn't say that. You looked like a ghost, Szusanna!'

'It was nothing, believe me! Where is Padme?' I asked, changing the topic, and his face instantly changed. It was painful to see how deep his love was for her.

'In the Senate Hall. Are you going to meet her?"

'Yes. Than I will go and pack my stuffes for tomorrow!' he noded, and smiled down at me.

'Don't worry because of Caracusa! It will be fine!' I smiled back, and continued my way alone, towards the Senate Hall. I felt good, but not as good as I was before. Weakness took over me in waves, as if I had flu, or something.

Sooner I reached her residence, and she nearly jumped into my neck.

'Wow...what happened?'

'Nothing, I am just so happy!' she said, and her happyness made me feel wrong. I have never been that happy.

'I am glad. What did you want to talk about? Anakin told me to come here!' we walked to a leather sofa, and she made me sit down.

'I have amazing news!' she said with sparkling eyes.

'Oh, what?'

'Anakin asked merry him!'

As she said this, my heart felt like it was about to explode. Her words caused a kind of pain that I've never felt before, but it was worse than my nightmares.

'I happy about it!' I forced out these words, and hugged her, to hide my real feelings. 'I hope you two will be together forever!'

'Thank you so much!' saying this was like stebbing myself, but somehow I could force back my tears. 'The wedding will be the day after tomorrow. And you are the only one who is invited!'

'What? But we are going to Caracusa!' I said a bit confused.

'I know, but I will go after you, for one day. I cant stay there for the celebration, because I have to go to the senate, but we can have a short ceremony.' I noded, feeling weak again, and my hands began to shake.

'Thats good. I cant wait.'

'And I would like to show you my dress!' she jumped up and went to the badroom. I breathed in deeply, to keep myself away from passing out, than she came back. 'See, it's not something special, but perfect for me.' it was a beautiful, simple white dress with white pearls and with long sleaved white part.

'That's more than perfect, Padme! It's beautiful. But how will you hide your wedding from the Senate, and from the jedi Council?' her face changed.

'I don't know. That's the only thing I am concerned about. And not because of me, but because of Ani. He can loose his place in the jedi order.'

'He loves you more than he loves the jedi order, Padme!' I said, thinking that I feel the same way for Anakin. I could give up being a jedi for him, without thinking.

'I know. But I don't want to destroy his life, Szusanna! It wouldn't be fair. He is a great jedi, and can have a bright future!'

'But being a jedi is sometimes not enough. Fight can't replace love.' she looked at me surprised.

'Have you ever felt the same way before?'

'I've always felt like this.'

'What? You dont like being a jedi?' she asked and I shook my head.

'It's not that, but sometimes I...want more. That's all!' she smiled, while I felt the horryble urge to leave. 'I am sorry, but I have to go pack my things!'

'Yeah, really! See you the day after tomorrow!'

'I can't wait!'

As I left her residance, it felt like a hand was pressing my heart. It really hurt, and not just in my mind.

I wanted nothing else, just a little time alone, a place where I can let out my tears without the fear of getting caught, but it was nearly impossible. In my room, it was not enough safe, because Anakin could run up to me any time, and I couldn't leave the Temple.

I was right about my room, because as I opened the door, I found Anakin sitting on my bad. He jumped up as I went closer.

'So? Could you talk to Padme?'

'Yes, and congratulation!'  I forced out. 'But why didn't YOU tell me?'

'She asked me not to. I guess she wanted to be the one to tell you this news!'

'And I was surprised! But I am glad that you are happy with her!'

'She is the only one I can love!' it was like taking everything away from me. Everything I can live for. One sentence was enough to make me want to kill myself.

'I know. I have to pack!' he noded and pulled me into a hug. It was warm and familiar, but at the same time, I felt like I can't take it anymore.

When he finally left, I just let pain take over me, and hot tears escaped my eyes like a river.

I woke up next day, still unpacked. I couldnt remember exectly when I fall asleep and how, but I heard as Anakin was calling my name.

'Szusanna! Szusanna wake up, we need to go!' I opened my eyes, and jumped up.

'What's the time?'

'Already too late! What were you doing last day? I packed for you, because you didn't wake up. I was getting worryed!' I looked around the room tiredly, my face was still wet from tears. I wanderd if he realised it or not.

'Oh...sorry. I was just...tired, I think. Thank you for packing! Wait a minute!' I ran into the bathroom and changed my clothes, brushed my face and ran back to Ani.

'I am ready!' he rolled his eyes.

'Cool. I have to drive fast because of you!' it made me laughe.

'Don't say that you are not happy!' he smiled evilly, and we walked to his spaceplane.

'Jump in! ' he ordered, and we started our way to Caracusa.

The Queen of pain (Anakin Skywalker Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu