Caracusa (the day of the celebration)

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'Szusanna, don't sleep!' he said after some minutes, because I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

'I am awake, Ani!'

'I see!' he laughed. 'What's this with you? Are you all right?' I noded, trying to seem confident.

'Of course, please, stop asking this over and over again.'

'Oke, sorry! I am just worryed. '

Some hours later we arrived at the strange planet, Caracusa. It was nothing like any other planet in the galaxy. It's atmosphere was bright pink, and the oceans on it's surface were yellow. As we approached it, I could see the high glass castles and towers, where there were no glass in the windows. I didn't like it, because sometimes it was too cold outside, and I was freezing, but that was not the thing that made me want to stay away so badly. This thing was it's air. There was something toxic in it.

As we landed on a crystal roof, I could see those who were waiting for us. They were tall...things. They were like a human, but not exactly. Their skin was gray, and they had too big and too bright eyes.

'Are you ready?' asked Anakin. 'Don't be worryed!'

'I try my best, Ani! Believe me!' with this, we left our plane and I faund myself standing in front of them, in that drug-fog.

'Anakin Skywalker and Szusanna Cloudwing! We are very glad to see you again!' we smiled and Ani spoke up.

'It's always nice being here! Thank you for your warm welcome!'

'Come closer and let me show you your room, please!' said another woman, and opened a door for us.

'Thank you very much, my lady!' said Ani, and we fallowed the caracusian inside.

'The Seaara is waiting for both of you! So I ask you to finish unpacking as soon as you can!'

'Of course, as the Seaara wishes!' the Seaara was their king, or their God. He was a scery person, the most scary out of them. And the Gouren Ceremony was his official birthday party.

She opened up a door in front of us, and I saw a huge, elegant room with only one bad. I wasn't conplaining about it, I've slept with Ani before a lot, especially here.

'I am waiting outside!' she said and closed the door behind her.

'Relax!' said Anakin as we started to unpack

'I can't. This place is....ughh..'

'I know that they are a little...cold....but the planet is beautiful!'

'I can't find anything beautiful or even good here! It's like being in a teil, or in a nightmare!' he laughed up.

'Dont be redicilous! Are you ready?'


We left our room and the tall woman led us to a crystal room, where there were flowers everywhere. It was disturbing. The Seaara was there, standing by a huge tree. His uncle long, white hair was nearly sparkling.

' Oh, my favourite jedi knights finally arrived!' he said with his haunting voice.

'We are very grateful for your long patience. ' said Ani, and he turned to us. He stepped close to me, and his eyes deepened into mine.

'There are thing's that worth waiting for! And one of them is standing right in front of me!' Anakin smiled polietly, and I felt like little knives were stabbing me.

'Thank you very much!' I whispered, while he placed his hands onto my shoulders. Even if I wanted to pull away so badly, there was not a chance.

'The hardest thing is to live a life that you can't love. If you can't find your place where you are, you can't be who you are. Leave, and my arms are open for you, but if you stay, stay with a good reason.' his words sounded like he could read my mind, and it made me step back.

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