Revealing the truth

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Hy guys! I know that the last two chapters were short, but i promise that it will be longer! I hope you can enjoy my work, and i would be glad to hear your  critics! I would also like to hear your guesses about the end, i am curious! Vote, comment or anything! Bye!

The brightness of the white room i woke up in nearly blinded me. It was painful to look around, and to moove. Although my injury was not fatal, it was still bad enough to make me cry out in pain.

'Happens a lot lately, doesnt it?' Asked a familiar, deep voice. I didnt have to look at him to know that it was Obi-Van.
'Too often for my liking, if you ask me, master. Where i am?'
'At home. Anakin told me what happened, do you remember everything?' I nooded, and forced myself up. I had enough of lieing.
'I can, of course. And you know what this means, right?' His eyes filled with worry, as if he was already scared of what i was about to say.
'I have to find him, master!'
'Slow down, all right? You just woke up!'
'Master, it cant wait. I was waiting as i was told and you can see what happened!' Frustration was growing in my heart, because i felt like he still wanted to stop me.
'Things are not that easy, yohng padawan! Be patient!' I laughed.
'I dont want to be patient! What i am waiting for? If i dont do anything he is going to reach his goal sooner or later! How many times can i survive before he really kills me?' His face went hard, but i felt like he tought the same.
'We can save you.'
'Who? And how? ' he rubbed his eyes.
'You could stay in the temple, and a bodyguard can look after you!'
'Its not a solution. At first, i dont want to be in prison, and master, what do you think, how did my stepfather know where i was going?' He went white.
'What do you mean?'
'After Caracuse, i was thinking about it, but i wasnt sure. Now i am. There is a spy here, in the jedi temple. I am not safe here, and i am not safe anywhere else as long as he is breathing!' He looked like he get shock.
'I cant believe it! You cant be right! A spy here? Who?' I shook my head.
'I dont know. Its your job to find out, while i am after Hernan!'
'You are not going anywhere, Yoda says...'
'I dont care about Yoda now! Its my business, not his! Its my life that we are risking, so i am the only one who can decide weather i want to find Hernan or not! And i want it! I have to!'
He took a deep breath, as the sign of his surrounder.
'All right, i dont mind, if you talk to Yoda about it at first. Dont forget that you are a jedi, Szuzanna! We live with rules!' I nooded with excitement.
'I am going now!' I jumped out of bed, ignoring the pain.
'Hey, you should rest for a while before, dont you think?'
'No, i want to hurry!'
I ran out of the room, with my hear beating in my throat. I wanted to go, even if i had no clue where to search. I had the feeling that he is waiting for me to find him, and i didnt want to disappoint him.
I went streight to his meditation room, where i could surely find him, and i was right. As i opened the door of the room, my eyes found only darkness, but my jedi power lead me towards Yoda, who was sitting on the ground. He looked up to me, and the courtains sas pulled out, so bright light filled the room.
'Sit down, young padawan! What can i do for you?' I sat down.
'I want to find him!' I stated.
' want to find him. Of cours you want to. And what will you do to him than?'
'I will kill him. I know i shouldnt say this, but thats what i will do.' He looked into my eyed.
'Because thats what you want.'
'Exectly, master.'
'I can hear only darkness in your words. And the desire of a Sith.'
'I am not a Sith, and i dont think that i will stay a jedi for a long time!' He shook his head.
'You cant go afted him! You are too confused!' I swallowed back my anger.
'I am going, with or without your permission!'
'I know that, Szuzanna! But your future is in fog now, and i wont let you go alone! If you have to go, Anakin will go with you!' Coldness went through me.
'Why Anakin? Cant Obi-Van come?' He shook his head.
'He has more important things to care about now.'
'But Ani doesnt even know about my past!' My voice was shaking.
'Maybe its time to tell him!' I wanted to protest, but didnt. Killing Hernan was more important than hiding my secret.
'All right, i will tell him.'
'But before you go, i will show you how to find him!' It surprised me.
'Thank you, master!'
'Close your eyes , and feel the Force around your whole being!' I did, and a familiar electricity went through me. 'Focus on Hernan. Imagine his face, and concentrate! Your mind can find him, wherever he is.' It took some minute, but i slowly felt like my soul left me, to travel around the galaxys. It was like seeing every place, every planet in the universe at the same time. Faces passed, until i saw him, and even if i didnt see where he was, i knew tha name of the planet.
I opened my eyes.
'Defris. He is there!' I said.
'May the Force be with you!'

I nooded and left the room. I was happy that i could find him, but the fact that i had to tell his my past, made me feel sick. I headed towards his room, with weak legs, and i felt like i was about to pass out.
Thankfully i didnt. I reached the metal door of his room, and knocked on it.
'Come in, Szuzanna!' He shouted from inside. My hands were shaking as i grabbed the doorknob, and pushed the door open.
He was sitting on his bad with a book.
'How are you? Are you better?' I tryed to smile.
'Yes, much better.'
'Than why do you look like somebody who has seen a ghost?'
'Because i have to tell you something!' I said and sat down next to him, feeling afraid that i will runaway.
'What is this?' I couldnt look into his eyes and my mouth dryed out. -would it feel the same way to tell him that i love him?- i wandered.- do it! For the revange!- i said to myself.
'I know who tryes to kill me!'
'Really?' I heard how surprised he was, but i was still watching the ground. 'And who?'
'You dont know anything about my past, do you?'
'About your past? What should i know?' I took a deep breath.
'Than i tell you everything.' I whispered, and started my story. 'My parent and i were living in a little house, and we were happy. Until one day, my father died. Everybody said that he had an accident. After that, we didnt have enough mony, and my mum got to know a rich, and handsome man, Hernan.' I said his name with such a hate that it was nearly scary. 'When i was 9, they got marryed. We were happy for a while, unt he started to...beat her.' My voice trailed off.
'Did he hurt you too?' He asked with a panicked voice, and icouldnt look into his eyes.
'At first , he didnt. But he tortured my mum every day. I was 10 when he first hit me, and i tought that its the worst thing he can do to me. But it wasnt.'  My eyes were burning, and even if i promised myself that i wont cry, i did. ' one day when i went home and my mum wasnt there, he started kicking and beating me..and he....raped me.' I felt in the bed that he trembled a little. 'From this point, he did it nearly every day, and i went mute for 2 years. Than Obi-Van and Yoda found me, and mum sent me here to save me.' My body was shaking badly and he pulled me into a hug. I burryed my face into his warm, familiar chast, and it felt so safe.
'He is that person? Who wants to kill you?' I nooded agains his chast.
'And i want to find and kill him! He is in a planet, called Defris. Will you come with me and help me?'  He kissed my forehead.
'Of course i will, but why didnt you tell me earlyer?'
'I couldnt. I just couldnt talk about it, because its so....'
'Shhh...its all right! We will kill him!'

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