Dark days (part two)

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I tryed to count the days somehow, but it was not easy when i didnt see the Sun. But Hernan appeared in the room from time to time to rape me, or torture me, so i decided that one day is one raping. Even if i wasnt sure about it, and it didnt even matter.
Six days passed, and i was still chained to the ceiling. Sometimes he undone my handcuff, but not for long time, and it was not enough to reduce the pain in my wrists and in my shoulders. It felt like i was stebbed, or burnt.
He gave me food. Not enough to give me strength, but it didnt let me die, and that was his only goal.
I was very weak, and sometimes i passed out for a short time, but it was not a relaxing sleep that i needed. It made me even more tyred.
Every time he raped me, it felt like i was killed, or a part of me was, and it scared me. After a while, the phisical pain was nothing to the pain i felt in my heart, and even if i tryed so hard to believe that Anakin will find me, i knew that i was about to loose my hopes.
I cant break down! I kept saying to myself, but it was not enough any more.
'How can you be so stubborn?' He asked while he was still panting. He wanted me to say that i love him, but i refused it.
'You are not going to hear this from me!' I whispered with shaking voice.
'Are you sure?' He pulled his leather belt out of his jeans, and stepped behind me. 'Repeat my words: I love you!' I shook my head.
'No!' I cryed out in pain, as he hit my back with the belt. It felt like a hot, burning knife cut my skin, and i was gasping for air.
'Do it! Say what i want you to say!' I swalloved hard, and my whole body was shaking with fear and pain, but i forced out my answer.
'I hate you! I will never tell you anything else!' He laughed up, and the pain came again, but this time i felt blood running down on my back.
'Now? Did you change your mind?'
'No, and its pointless to ask me again!'
'We will see!' He hit me six times after, or more, and i felt that my once white nightgown was soaking with warm blood. Than he knelt down in front of me with a fake-worryed face.
'You just make it even worse, why cant you do what i want? I didnt ask anything special!'
'You want me to lie!' He nooded.
'Yes, to me. I dont see why it is so hard!' Anakins face appeared in front of me. His soft smile, his loving eyes, and i nearly felt his strong, protective arms around me.
'Because i love only one person, and its not you!'
'Of course its not me, but your jedi friend. Am i right?' His lips curved into a devilish smile. 'But he is not here to protect you, is he?'
'He will find me!' I said, mostly to myself, not to Hernan. He laughed up as if i was telling a joke.
'So thats what you are believe in, huh? You are a disappointment, Szuzanna! I wanted you to be a strong and independent girl, not a lover bird! Its not you!'
'Its not your business! You have no right to tell me what to do or how to live!' He leaned closer to me.
'You can say it now, and you can fight against me, as hard as you want, but i will break you down! Sooner or later, you will give up, and i am patiente enough to wait!' He stood up from the ground, but the belt was left there. 'See you soon! This pain you feel right now is nothing to what you will!'

He was right about it. As the blood started to dry in my back, the dress sticked into my wounds, and every time i made the smallest moove, a wound that was about to heal, opened up. I tryed not to cry, but after a while, i was not able to stop my tears, and i didnt even care about it.
I tryed to stend up, because i couldnt hold my hands anymore, but my legs were too weak. So i had to take the pain in my shoulders.
Just as i closed my eyes to sleep a little, the door opened up. Hernan smiled down to me.
'Dont you want to tell me something?' I didnt know why, but i laughed up
'I want to tell so many things to you, Hernan!'
'I see that you are in a funny mood. Lets change it!' I knew that i shouldnt have acted like this, my sarcasm made him even more violent, but i couldnt stop myself.
He stepped behind me, and placed his hands onto my shoulders. I didnt know what he wanted to do, but i took a deep breath to geather my power. He was playing with the thin pants of the nightgown for a while, and than, with an unexpected movement, he torn it down.
I screamed in pain, because the material was sticked into my wounds, and when he torn it down, all my wounds opened up, and started to bleed again.
Hot tears covered my face, and i was shaking with a sick feeling in my stomach. He was laughing.
'You look more beautiful without clothes, you know. When you were younger, it wasnt that good!' He said and i heard as he unzipped his jeans. Than he made my hands free, and i collapsed onto the hard floor. My shoulders and my whole back was throbbing, and my skin felt like it was burning. He turned me around, so i was laying in my back, and he smiled as i hissed up in pain. Hernan sat down on top of me, and as his fingers touched me, i felt like i could throw up. His eyes were sparkling with desire, and he was looking into my eyes the whole time while he was raping me. He was rough, more violent than before, and sometimes i tought that i cant take it anymore. I even wanted to beg him to stop, but i didnt. Maybe i was still too proud to beg, maybe i just knew that it would be useless, i dont know, but i stayed scilente.
When he finally finished, surprisingly he didnt chain me up again. It was a relief.
He left the dark room without a word, and i hugged my knees to my chest while i was crying. I wanted to escape somehow, i wanted to go home to the jedi temple to see Anakin. I missed him so much in the cold cellar, where i was left alone most of the time. I wanted to hug him again, and feel his gentle arms around me, because with him, i was in safe.
'Its so cold here! I dont like it!' Suddenly i heared a small voice from a girl, and i nearly jumped up.
'Who is it? Who said this?' I asked, looking around in the room, but even if it was dark, i knew that it was empty.
'Its better now! Where are you? Why are you so sad?' I looked around again, with the fear that i am going crazy.
'Who are you? Answer, please!' The voice came again, but this time i felt that it was not from the world, but it was in my head.
'I want to sleep, mum! I am tyred!'
'Mum? What?' I tought, but the voice answered.
'I am in you, i am part of you, mum! '
My jaw dropped, and it was too much to take. I fall back onto the ground, but before i passed out, i heared her again.
'Mum, whats wrong? Are you ill?'

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