Dark days (part three)

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'Wake up! Wake up mum! I am boared!' I woke up to the voice again, but i was still alone.
'Who are you, and why do you call me mum?' I asked, and it felt like i was schizophrenic.
'I am inside you, and you dont have to talk to me out loud! I can hear your toughts!'
'What? Am i....pregnant?' I asked, and i didnt know how to feel.
'Yes, mum. I am going to be your doughter!'
'And how can you talk to me?'
'Every children can do it, but most of the mothers are not able to hear it. But you are different, mum!' It made sense, but i didnt understand why was she so...mature.
'Becouse i know a lot now.' She answered to my unspoken question. 'I will forget everything on the day of my birth!'
'How did you know...'
'I told you, i hear your toughts!'

I didnt know what to say. I ve never tought that i will talk to my doughter, who is in my stomach. I ve never heared such a thing, and i was scared that maybe i am just imagining things. I moved into a sitting position and curved into a ball. My room was cold, and i was naked, while every part of my body was aching.
'I am hungry  and cold, mum!'
'Me too, but i dont have anything to eat.'
'Are we in danger?'  It was so strange that she said:we.
'No, its all right.' I lied. Why? I dont know.
'Dont lie to me! I can handle everything!'
'If you are really my doughter, than i dont want you to worry!'
'Even if i am his doughter?' She asked, as if she was scared of my answer. It surprised me, but i wasnt even thinking about it.
'I dont care who your father is!'
'Thank you mum! '
After that, she was in scilence, i was wandering if she was sleeping, or not, but i didnt ask anything.
I was thinking about Anakin all the time. I didnt know if he was searching for me or not, but i hoped that he is out there somewhere. He was my only hope, the only thing that kept me alieve.
Time passed, and he came in, holding a box-like something in his hands.
'Good morning dear! How are you? How is your back?' I closed my eyes as he chained me up again. 'Dont you want to talk to me?'
'Why should i, huh?' He slepped my face, but i didnt make a noise.
'Because when i ask something, you have to answer! Or i have to explain again that you are mine?'
'I am not yours, Hernan!' I saw a wave of rage on his face, and he kicked me on the ribs. I was instantly worryed about my doughter.
'You are mine! Even if you dont want to accept it! But i will make sure that you accept it sooner!' I was already scared of what he wants to do to me. He opened up the box, and i saw something white inside it. He put his hands in it than, touched my back. I felt a burning, wild pain, and i screamed up.
'Its just salt, dont worry! It stops your bleeding!' Of course, his goal was not to help me, he just wanted to cause pain, so he put another portion of salt onto my back. I was shaking and screaming, while he was laughing at me, than he kicked me again, and i caughed up blood. I was preatty sure that one or two of my ribs were broken, and it was painful to breath.
'Mum, are you all right? Whats wrong? What happened?'
'Nothing.' I said, but still out loud. I couldnt get use to that i dont have talk to her.
'What nothing?' Asked Hernan.
'I wasnt talking to you!' He knelt down in front of me and started kissing my neck, while his cold handy were wandering on my body.
'You should hope that Anakin will find you sooner, because you are going crazy!' It sounded like he wanted him to find me. 'I dont want a crazy girl, so stay sane!'
With this, he left, at first since he shut me here, without raping me. It was strange, and surprising, but i felt a little relief. After a while, it was not so painful phisically, but it was worse mentally. It felt like my soul was breaking down every time he touched me.
'Mum? Can you here me?'  She asked, and i heard that she was scared.
'Its nothing, dont worry!'
'You are suffering, i feel it!  Where are we?'
'We are locked into a cellar, and i am chained up to the ceiling!' I said, realising that there is no point lieing to her, because everything that happened to me, happened to her.
'And you are in pain. What happened to you?'
'I think that my ribs are broken. Its hard to breath.'
'Hold on, mum. Please!'
'I try! I dont want to give up!'
'I know, who is that Anakin you are waiting for?'
'He is my friend. I believe that he is searching for me!'
'And what if he cant find us?' I had to swallov back my fear.
'He can. I am sure about it, we just have to be patient!'

This time, i was chained up for a long time. I felt like it was more than a day. He didnt come in, and i started to hope that maybe, he died, or something like this, but he didnt.
Next time he came in, he was not alone. A man was following him, and i had a really wrong feeling.
'She is Szuzanna! Whats your opinion?' Asked Hernan from the other man, who was watching me with shining eyes.
'She is perfect, my friend! I pay for her!' It didnt sound good.
'All right, than i leave you alone with her!' They shook hands, and Hernan left. The other man knelt down in front of me, and he was just watching me for a while, without a word. I felt ashamed and i couldnt look into his eyes.
'You are so familiar to me!' He spoke up finally. 'Havent we met before?' As i looked up to bis face, i felt the same.
'Maybe....you are familiar too.' He was thinking for a while, than clapped his hands.
'I saw you in the Caracusa! You are the jedi girl,  am i right?' I nooded without emotions. 'Oh dear, what happened to you?' I didnt answer, just closed my eyes.
'I can help you, if you want me to!' I looked up to him.
'Can you....rescue me?' He shook his head.
'No, not me. I dont want to turn Hernan against me, but i can talk to your friend. Who is he, i dont know his name!'
'Anakin! Anakin Skywalker! Please, help me!' I unexpectedly broke into tears, and he touched my face.
'I will go and talk to him, just hold on!' He said. 'I cant go now, because Hernan will be with me in the next few days, but as soon as i can, i will tell Anakin where you are! Just stay strong!' I nooded happyly.
'Thank you very much!'
He was staying with me for a while, to make Hernan believe that he did something to me, than left. I was so happy that the pain and hunger i felt couldnt disturb me anymore.
'Anakin is coming, my girl! We are going to be rescued!' I said to my stomach, and i felt that she was happy too.

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