The second attack

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My eyelids were heavy, and it felt like a train went throjgh my body, but i could finally wake up. I was in my bad, next to me, Anakin was sitting in an armchair with unreadable face.

'Anakin?' I asked, trying to draw his attention.
'You are not all right, Szuzanna!' He said coldly 'I am going to talk to master Yoda about you!'
'Yoda knows about it,Ani!' I said, realising that i cant fight with him about my healt anymore.
'Really? And what did he tell you?'
'He feels like i have problems with the Force, and its true. When i passed out during our training, the Force just left me. ' his face became even more worryed.
'And why didnt you tell me?'
'Because its not....a big deal.' I said.
'Not a big deal?' He laughed up. 'What were you thinking? The Force leaves you, and you dont even care?'
'I am not scared of loosing the Force, Anakin. Its not the most important thing for me, you know!'
'You are a Jedi, it should be more important than anything else in the world!' Talking about Jedi rules was not his right.
'And you shouldnt have a wife, Anakin. If you want to talk about Jedi life!' His face went hard.
'Its not the same thing.' He whispered. ' I really love Padme, but i care about the Force. While you dont. Maybe thats why it left you!'
'I would be glad to loose it forever, if i want to be honest! I didnt want, i ve never wanted to be a Jedi. Why should i pretend that loosing it would effect me in any ways? Why should i lie even to you?' I nearly shouted as i sat up. 'I thought that i can be honest with you!' A wave of guilt went through his face.
'I am sorry!' He said finally. 'You are right, i dont have the right to tell you what you should do! I am not the example of a good Jedi, but i am worryed about you. What if loosing the Force makes you ill?'
'I dont think it can cause this. It must be something else, but i dont want you to worry about me! I can solve everything!' He ahook his head with a small laugh.
'How can you be so stubborn?'
'Who ask this from who?' I asked sarcastically, and he stood up.
'All right, i give up! Come on, lets go home!' I stared at him with surprise.
'Home? But what about the crystals?' He had a satisfied grin.
'While you were relaxing here, my dear friend, i was working! I collected them alone!' I clapped my hands.
'Congratulation Ani! You are amazing!' He shook his head and grabbed my hands, pulling me out of bad.
As we were walking to our plane, i had a bad feeling. At first i thought that its just the consequence of my passing out, but as we reached tha plane, the feeling became stronger.
I stopped, and looked around. There were high towers, and shining hills around us, but i felt like somebody was watching me.
'Whats wrong?' Asked Ani, as i turned around.
'Dont you feel something?'
'Something like what?'
'Its like someone is ...' i started, but couldnt finish. The feeling became so intense, that i felt the exect direction of the watching eyes. I turned towards it without thinking, and suddenly, there was a burning pain in my chest, near to my left shoulder . I cryed out, and the feeling of my warm blood instantly made me realise what happened. Somebody shoot me down.
'Szuzanna!' Anakin yelled, and caughed me, before i could fall. 'Szuzanna, hold on, its going to be fine!'
I nooded, while he pressed my bleeding wound. I wasnt scared of death, i felt that it was not that serius. The only thing i could think about was Hernan, and that i have to find him, before he really kill me.

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