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{Chapter Fourteen - Frustrated Feelings}

Someone explain to me what he just did. I don't understand what he did to me twenty minutes ago. For five minutes he's been staring at me straight as he ate and every time our eyes met he'd smirk a little. God damnit Jong Suk what are you doing? I can't have a third love interest in my story.

Or... can I?

"The food is especially delicious. Thank you,"He breaks the silence. I look up at him. I quickly look down and chuckle nervously.

"Ah-ha, It's really no problem. It's my way of apologizing in Jungkook's place. I am terribly sorry for his actions. If I was the same, I think I'd throw him in too,"Jong Suk gives out an amused laugh.

We continue to eat and converse about random things, learning more about each other.

For some reason... He doesn't give me the feeling Jungkook does. My heart doesn't beat faster than it usually does. Maybe my heart is just not realizing that Jungkook isn't the one and it's holding on. Though I guess it's aware, because it suffocates itself each time, like it misses him.

I miss him.

But I shouldn't, I should find someone new.

Like Jong Suk.

"What's the smile for?" Jong Suk interrupts my thoughts and I realize that I have been smiling at him for about thirty seconds. Oops.

"A-Ani. Don't worry about it," Once again, I nervously laugh it off. He gives me a funny look before going finishing his drink. I look at my watch and back to him. "It's certainly late now, gwenchana? Do you feel sick?"

Jong Suk smiles warmly at me. "Cheongmal gwenchana. Gomawo for taking care of me in the meantime."

"You should probably head home now..." I say, rubbing my neck.

He whines cutely and pouts. "But I would enjoy staying for a while more." I shake my head in disagreement. I don't want anything else to happen.

"A-Ani, mianhe but, I sleep quite early and I do feel a bit drowsy," Jong Suk pouts more and genuinely looks upset,"m-maybe next time okay?" He lights up and nods as we both stand up.

I escort him to the front door and he slips on his fancy shoes that must be slushy from the pool water. Shame on you Jungkook. When he finishes I open the front door and let him out as I follow the path down to the street. Jong Suk turns around and smiles. "I'm glad to have spent my time with you. This night was certainly, interesting and YooNi, you intrigue me," He leans down and kisses my cheek,"I'll be calling you, so be sure to answer your phone arasseo?"

I stand there blinking at him before speaking, "A-Arasse-o-o," I somehow make out. He laughs and ruffles my hair before heading into his car, giving me one last dashing smile of the night. It's impossible to see him through the window since it's tinted. Nevertheless, I continue to wave as he drives away. Then with a enormous exhale I let out a breath I seemed to have been holding for too long.

I head inside and I hear a continuous ringtone of my cellphone. I assume it's Dara and I flip open the phone.


A medium-deep voice I know so well speaks back to me,"Jung YooNi."

Before he could get another word out I click 'END' and slam my phone down.

Once again, the ringtone appears and I answer it with genuine anger. "Yah what the hell do you want you neurotic, heartless asshole?!" I spat.

"Excuse me?" I freeze. It's Dara. I bring my fist to my forehead and silently scold myself. "I'll have you know that I may be and asshole sometimes, but I do have a heart," Dara says with sass. I bite my lip and smile.

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