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For every chapter beginning with this one, it is highly recommended to play: "When Would It Be" By Yoon Hyun Sang Ft. IU :) 감사함니다.

{Chapter Seven}

Jungkook saw my stray tear. He places down the food and walks to me, holding me by the shoulders. "You can tell me anything YooNi."

I start sobbing. "M-My boyfriend LuHan," I wipe a tear, "He's was cheating on me w-with your girlfriend."

Jungkook stands back, I only sob harder. "T-That's not true. You're lying." I shake my head but he slams his hands on the table, "YOU'RE LYING!" He yells, making me cry out with guilt. "I took care of you and you lie to me?" Jungkook points a finger at me, "You like me so you would make up an excuse to leave her for you huh?" He accuses. I could only shake my head.

I would never do something like that. "I-I knew you wouldn't belie-"

"You're right." Jungkook glares daggers at me. "I don't believe you." He walks to the door and opens it, "and I don't plan to anytime soon." Jungkook slams the door and I'm left with silence.

I fall to the floor. That's exactly what I didn't want. I don't want that silence. It is silent, but it's agonizing. It just reminds me that no one is here for me anymore.

I trudge to my bedroom. I have no energy. I have no one to turn to. I flip my sheets off. There won't be anyone coming to my house anymore. I don't have any more tears to cry with.

I go back to that fetus position I was in before. Inhaling, exhaling. My body stays alive in silence. I don't know what to do. I grab my phone and I contact Jen, my friend from Japan.

"Yeoboseyo?" Her voice instantly picks up. I don't answer, my breathing goes through the line. "YooNi? Gwenchana? It's been a while and you're scaring me."

"I-I don't know what to do anymore Jen..." I croak. She sighs.

"You broke up with him didn't you?" Jen asks with a matter-of-fact tone. She was never fond of LuHan. Jen always told me that we weren't compatible and that a toddler could even see it. I was stupid enough to not believe her.

"I'm feel so alone here Jen."

"I'll be right back okay YooNi? Don't you dare hang up on me." I choke out an okay and I hear several rustling. Suddenly I hear her put her phone somewhere. I don't really know what she's doing but I hear keyboard typing and mouse clicks. Then the rustlings back but there isn't any more muffled movements, I assume she picked her phone up.

"Mianhe YooNi, I had something important to do for a second. Now tell me what happened and don't leave any parts out." My heart hurt even more when she said she had something important to do. I'm her best friend and she just puts me aside for a little when I'm in a desperate need of comfort? I do need her...

And so I do what Jen says.

I tell her every, single, detail.


It's been a few days after my call with Jen. I weeped, I sobbed, and I cried with all I had left. I fell asleep on the phone with her. Lee Jen is my best friend, what would I do without her?

After that night all I do around this house is walk slowly; somewhat of a zombie. I stand in the living room, looking around and just like that, a memory flashes and it's like I'm a ghost watching myself and... Jungkook.

I'm laid down beside him, his arm around my waist. I stared at him and down to his lips. I shook my head before leaving his grasp.

I remember that moment. And suddenly the living room is empty. I shuffle to the small dining room in front of the front door. Another memory flashes. Jungkook grabbed my hand and told me things I wanted to hear. Things I needed to hear. Things I loved to hear, from him. And again, we disappear like dust in the wind.

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